A fun contest aiming to bring members of OARC together through radio.
- Worked All OARC Juypter notebook that parses all the QSOs and generates the leaderboards
- Images folder with all the leaderboards
- Maps folder with all the maps (download the .html and open in a browser for the full experience)
- Google Colab link (this will need you to identify with a Google account) if you want to see how this is all done and maybe create your own visulisations or maps based on the work I've done. Please let me know if you come up with anything interesting - https://colab.research.google.com/github/smurphboy/WAllOARC/blob/master/WorkedAllOARC.ipynb
- Netlify static build of the notebook (if you just want to view the code and the images) - https://silver-alfajores-965b56.netlify.app/