This application is designed to be a boilerplate with special emphasis paid to best practices and sound architecture design principles Primarily among them: seperation of concerns and isolation of dependencies will allow for easy refactoring and replacing components as needed wth minimal code rewriting required.
The boiler plate application provides a few features:
- Data Backend provided by MongoDB and integrated using Mongoose library. future: implement ElasticSearch backend as proof of easy DB migration
- authentication provided by Passport library using simple local database table of users. future: implement oauth2.0 strategy as proof of easy refactoring.
- Cache provided by Reddis
- Logging winston to stdout/stderr should be able to change log levels at runtime.
- instrumentation and telemetry open zipkin
- Service discovery provided by Consul
- Externalized config provided by Vault and Consul
- circuit breaker TBD (hystrix?)
- rate limiter bottleneck
- Spring Actuator-like features
notes: 12 factor app
progressive web app (PWA)
TODO: decouple UI/API RBAC health checks caching