Enhancing movielens data with IMDb metadata
This repository uses the imdbpy.github.io to fetch the metadata for movielens movies. The movielens dataset contains a csv file that has the mapping of movielens id to IMDb id. This id is used to fetch the main attributes with IMDbPY. Since IMDbPY does not fetch all attributes I employ Beautiful Soup to fetch additional metadata, such as:
- Stars (main actors of the movie)
- Demographic data (age & gender)
- Distribution of ratings
- US Users and Non-US Users
For the movie avatar this can be found here:
The mapping is available in data/input/movielens/small/links.
Excerpt input:
movieId | imdbId | tmdbId |
1 | 0114709 | 862 |
2 | 0113497 | 8844 |
3 | 0113228 | 15602 |
Fetched attributes:
original_title, cast, genres, runtimes, countries, country_codes, language_codes, color_info, aspect_ratio, sound_mix, original_air_date, rating, votes, imdbid, plot_outline, languages, title, year, kind, directors, writers, producers, composers, editors, animation_department, casting_department, music_department, writer, director, top_250_rank, plot, set_decorators, script_department, assistant_directors, costume_designers, budget, cumulative_worldwide_gross, stars, cast_id, stars_id
- 🎥 MovieLens
- 👥 IMDb Metadata
- Python 3.7
- Beautifoul Soup 4 for metadata that is not available by using pyIMDb
- Create bin size for continous features