CIONo is a deprecated prototype of an graph pathfinding plugin for Cytoscape intended for ontologies.
For more information, see Anatoli Zeiser's Master's Thesis.
Running: Java 8 JRE
Compiling: Java 8 SDK, Maven
- Create the jar with
mvn package
or download it from a release - Run Cytoscape and enable the plugin via
->App Manager
->Install from File...
As a research prototype for a masters's thesis, we cannot offer support for CIONo. It was tested with Cytoscape 3.4.0 and may not work with other future versions. The author of the thesis and the prototype is Anatoli Zeiser, but he finished University and probably does not have time to support it as well.
We absolutely encorage you to use, extend or do whatever you want with the code in conformance to the GNU GPL v3.0. If you need different licensing, please contact Anatoli Zeiser.