Releases: snozbot/fungus
Releases · snozbot/fungus
Fungus v3.13.0-rc1
Release Candidate for 3.13.0
Fungus v3.12.0
What are these multiple packages?
- Fungus_v3.12.0.unitypackage is the normal release.
- Fungus.Lite._v3.12.0.unitypackage FungusExamples not included.
- Fungus.Compatibility._v3.12.0.unitypackage is the normal release with minor changes to maximise compatibility with older Unity versions, 2017.4 and up.
What's in this version?
* not included in Compatibility release
- Search should search commands, not just block names (#775). Thanks to AcademyOfF
- Debug additions (#777) righclicking context menus additions and improvements on commands, blocks, and variables
- BlockCallers can be seen within the block inspector
- Variable referencers can be seen logged to the console
- *Added a custom script importer for lua files. Thanks to Matthew Barnes
- *Added Asmdefs
- Fungus Editor Prefs button to locate FungusEditorResources and changelog
- Defines and fallbacks for 2017 and 2018 (#781)
- CommandListAdapter sync command selection bidirectionally with selection in underlying reorderablelist
- Command text with 'Error:' shows red
- HighSpeedWriterFix; corrected rate of characters and more than 1 character per frame issue.
- FilterBlocks during SceneChange, now refresh as expected
- Command and Variables outside of Fungus assembly now locate
- Character selection preventing edits bug
- Restore Edit Mode Tests
- FungusManager.cs Use "double checked locking" algorithm to implement the singleton for "FungusManager" class, which can improve performance. Thanks to AndyHan1001
- CommandSearchHeightFallback on some versions of Unity editor inspector height is not returning correctly so we make an educated guess if it seems unreliable
- More elaborated use of text in TMPro demo
- Block Inspector forces type at creation. Thanks to Michaelwolf95
- Warning when requesting menu elements that are not avaialble, such as more menu items that you have created.
- Fungus Docs can now generate in github markdown format
Fungus v3.12.0-rc1
Release Candidate for 3.12.0
Fungus v3.11.5
- Mushroom icon for the inspector moved in 2019 as to not overlap the new visibility toggle Unity has added. #745
- FlowchartWindow MutliSelect now more strictly manages selectedness #744
- Portrait sprite issue in Unity 2019 #743
- Experimental Searchable menus are now enabled by default #746
Fungus v3.11.4
- Updated project to Unity 2019.1.0f2
- Updated to .NET 4.x
- Updated reference docs
Fungus v3.11.3
- Additional null checks around Flowchart.selectedBlocks and Flowchart.selectedCommands.
Fungus v3.11.2
- Inconsistent static list caching in editor that was resulting in inability to use Fungus menus.
- Spacing in debug output related to Block find and execute warnings and failures.
Fungus v3.11.1
- Compile error in Unity 2018.3.6f1
Fungus v3.11.0
- SetSprite: changes the image on the SpriteRenderer of one or more GameObjects
- SetUIImage: changes the image on the Image of one or more GameObjects (Joerg Burbach)
- Commands to store FungusVariable.ToString into a StringVariable and to parse a string into an Int or Float FungusVariable
- #729 VariableEditor popup name and key concat no longer has spaces, allows the PopUp to correctly nest items with the same parent
- #732 BlockInspector correct top panel height in 2018_3 BlockEditor only force unique name if it has changed
- BlockInspector and BlockEditor changes to display correctly in 2019.1.0a13
- #728 FlowchartWindow performance for 100s of blocks
- #727 Support use of TMPro in Set Text, Get Text and Narrative Log Menu commands
- #733 Command can now cache a list of referenced variables that are checked by the variablelistadapter for highlighting
- Flowchart can identify add variables found via the substitute regex
- Commands that use SubstituteVariables on their string data use the new caching method so they can highlight variables that will be used during substitution
- #733 HasReference added to many commands that lacked them or had only partially checked vars
Fungus v3.10.0
- #725 Added Stop Then Call mode in Call command. Stops the calling Block immediately, instead of waiting a frame.
- #718 Say and Menu dialogs now support TextMeshPro directly
- TextMeshPro demo scene - A default say dialog but with TextMeshPro Text UI elements in place of uGUI Text
- A default menu dialog but with TextMeshPro Text UI elements in place of uGUI Text
- TextAdapter can be asked to include children in text output search MenuDialogue now uses TextAdapter rather than assuming UI.Text
- #720 Variable reference allows for selecting a flowchart a targeting a specific fungus variable for use from c#
- #705 Added FirstPersonDemo examples
- New audio commands: Play Ambience Sound, Stop Ambience Sound, Play Random sound.
- #717 Control Audio > Play Loop volume is always 1
- #723 Unity 2018.3 Warnings
- #711 Beeps in WriterAudio ignores last sound in array
- PLay Sound Effect volume is now independent of Set Music Volume setting
- Correct width calc on smaller width inspectors
- #708 Specifically identify choice blocks as hexagons in documentation
- #721 Conversation text can now contain colons within the text body itself
- #719 Change FlowchartMenuItem.SpawnPrefab to GameObject.Inst rather than PrefabUtil to avoid exception modifications.empty
- #709 Command searchable pop up
- Added Fungus Preferences setting to enable Searchable PopupMenus
- #694 Adding Random Sound Command and Ambiance Sounds - thanks to Hector Castelli
- #704 Replaced Rotorz Reorderable List with Unity's InternalReorderable list
- ExceuteOnEvent dropdown is searchable -can double click to circumvent the search drop down -can remove event by setting None -use search similar to add command method