Article reading time calculation with jquery
Based on an article at, I created a simple formula such as reading time (in seconds) / number of words, and according to the result, the reading time of a word is 0.2857563851 seconds.
#readed-words to find the number of words by finding the gaps.
The total number of words * The word reading time gives us the result in seconds, by making an account. Then we turn it into minutes by making / 60.
$(function() {
var text = $('#readed-words').text();
var wordsCount = text.split(' ').length;
var wordTime = 0.2857563851;
var readingTime = Math.round(wordTime * wordsCount / 60);
$('#output').html('Number of words : ' + wordsCount + '</br> Reading Time: ☕️' + readingTime + ' Minutes reading time');
It works even if it's not very strong.
----sorry for the translation.
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git clone
Reading Time was created by and is maintained by Şener YILMAZ
Code released under the [MIT] license.