Combined Depth Space based Architecture Search for Person Re-identification
- results on ReID tasks
model | Market(mAP/rank-1) | Duke(mAP/rank-1) | MSMT17(mAP/rank-1) |
cnet(scratch) | 83.5/93.6 | 73.2/86.0 | 47.7/73.3 |
cdnet(scratch) | 83.7/93.7 | 73.9/86.7 | 48.5/73.7 |
cdnet(pretrained) | 86.0/95.1 | 76.8/88.6 | 54.7/78.9 |
- results on classification
model | Cifar-100(acc/param) | ImageNet(acc/param) |
cdnet(scratch) | 82.1/2.3M | 75.1/2.5M |
You can download the models from here firstly and then run the script in "./run/" according the need.
For example, test the cdnet(pretrained) on Market1501, modify the "./configs/inferences.yml" with according values as follows:
NAME: 'cdnet'
GENOTYPE: "cdnet_sample_top2_best_genotype.json"
DATASET: 'market1501'
DATASET_DIR: "/home/share/solicucu/data/" # path to the dataset DATASET
IMAGE_SIZE: [256,128]
DIRS: "/home/share/solicucu/data/ReID/FasterReID/inference/"
CKPT_DIRS: "market1501/" # DIRS + CKPT_DIRS is path to the checkpoint
BEST_CKPT: "cdnet_top2_pretrained.pth" # name of the specified checkpoint
Then run the file "./run/".
Note that this file can be used for the evaluation of both ReID task and classification. As for evaluation on Cifar100 and ImageNet, run the file "./run/" and "./" respectively. Specially, it need to change a according FBLNeck for ImageNet by using it in "./model/head/", where the FBLNeck is simplified without fine-grained part. Therefore, you can change it in "./model/heads/__ init __ .py" easily.
top-k sample search
As for cdnet,
1.modify the configuration in "./factory/cdnet_sample_topk_search/" if necessary.
2.execute the command "python"
The directory "cnet_sample_topk_search" is used for cnet accordingly.
train from scratch (all network)
1.modify the configuration files the according scripts in "./run"
For example, train the cdnet on market1501, modify the file "./configs/cdnet.yml",
DATA: DATASET: 'market1501' OUTPUT: DIRS: "/home/share/solicucu/data/ReID/FasterReID/market1501/cdnet/" CKPT_DIRS: "checkpoints/cdnet_top2_fblneck/" LOG_NAME: 'log_cdnet_top2_fblneck.txt'
Note that DIRS + CKPT_DIRS is path to save the checkpoint .
train from pretrained models(cnet/cdnet)
1.train the cdnet or cnet on Imagenet and obtain the pretrained checkpoint.
2.modify the configuration files "./configs/anynet_pretrained.yml" the script "./run/"
For example, train the cdnet on market1501, modify the file "./configs/anynet_pretrained.yml"
MODEL: NAME: 'cdnet' IMAGENET_CKPT: 'path/to/pretained_chekcpoint' GENOTYPE: "cdnet_sample_top2_best_genotype.json" DATA: DATASET: 'market1501' SOLVER: MAX_EPOCHS: 350 BASE_LR: 6.5e-2 LR_LIST: [6.5e-2, 6.5e-3, 6.5e-4, 6.5e-5] OUTPUT: DIRS: "/home/share/solicucu/data/ReID/FasterReID/market1501/cdnet/" CKPT_DIRS: "checkpoints/cdnet_top2_fblneck_pretrained/" LOG_NAME: 'log_cdnet_top2_fblneck_pretrained.txt'
Specially, there are a little adjustment for msmt17 as follows.
SOLVER: MAX_EPOCHS: 240 BASE_LR: 4.5e-2 LR_LIST: [4.5e-2, 4.5e-3, 4.5e-4, 4.5e-5]
Other modifications can be made according the need.