Simple stuff, really.
Source: LogicalSatisfiability
A very simple example:
- Given a logical statement
- Find a set of boolean parameters so that it evaluates to
Source: Sudoku
Solves sudoku
- Given a grid of 81 variables: some with a 1-digit domain, and others in the
domain - Add constraints so rows are all different, columns are all different, and each of the 9 sub-squares on non different
- Solve it, and print it
Source GraphColouring
More complex graph colouring example
This is trying to minimize the number of distinct colours, instead of just finding the first solution (as the sudoku one does).
It's also applying a rule that no colour can be used more than N times, to mimic the idea that this could be modelling a human worker, who could only do so many tasks in a day.
Source TravellingSalesman
A copy of this sample, but with comments to explain it better to me ;)