Manage content on SD Card for Dreamcast's GDEmu/GDMenu/openMenu
For GDEMU to properly work it's required to follow a pattern when putting files on the SD Card.
If not done correctly it will take a lot of time to boot and can even fail to.
This program will save the files the proper way so you console will boot super fast!
- Multi platform. Windows/Linux/OSX
- Supports both GDmenu and openMenu
- Supports GDI, CDI, MDS and CCD files. Also compressed files inside zip/rar/7z
- Add/delete/rename items
- Sort alphabetically
- Sort manually by drag and drop
- Automatically rename based on folder name, file name or internal name (IP.BIN)
- Show cover image (0GDTEX.PVR)
- If using a CodeBreaker image it can detect if it's the correct one.
- Saves name.txt on each folder to keep compatibility with other managers.
- Menu is built in GDI format. Compatible with consoles that cant boot MIL-CD.
- GDI Shrinking. Can reduce file size by removing dummy data without reducing the quality.
Can reduce the size of the game but some games won't work properly.
The program have a blacklist with some games known to have problems after shrinking.
By default the blacklist will be used and those games will not be shrunk.
openMenu will display customized icon, box art and text info for each title, but it requires additional files.
openMenu DAT files should go to this app's subfolder tools\openMenu\menu_data
Grab the DAT files from mrneo240's repos: imagedb and metadb
Download and install the Desktop Runtime installer for your system.
On Linux version it's not possible to use drag-and-drop.
If you can't run it on OSX please check issue #4 for a workaround
- Linux x64 via CLI
- ensure dotnet sdk 6.0 is installed via Install .NET on Linux
- clone repository
- Build & Publish
- Simple
- execute
dotnet publish GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI/GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI.csproj -c Release
- execute
- Single File Self Contained (more portable, includes dotnet runtime bundled in)
- execute
dotnet publish GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI/GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI.csproj -c Release --self-contained true -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true
- execute
- Simple
- Execute
-via double click or by running./GDMENUCardManager
or bydotnet ./GDMENUCardManager
- install .NET Runtime 6.0 from here
brew install dotnet
$ cd src/
$ dotnet publish GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI/GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI.csproj -c Release
$ cd GDMENUCardManager.AvaloniaUI/bin/Release/net6.0/publish/
$ ./GDMENUCardManager
This software is made possible by using third party tools:
GDmenu by neuroacid
Special thanks to megavolt85 and everyone in the dreamcast scene