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MQTT Panel

Self hosted Web App panel for MQTT

This project provides a self hostable service that connects to a MQTT broker and serves a progressive web app panel which is fully configurable via YAML. It aims to be a simple panel that gives user interactivity with MQTT topics. Suitable for standalone or MQTT microservice deployments, and can be deployed alongside home automation solutions. It does not offer higher level capabilities such as automations, integrations or scheduling.



docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 sourcesimian/mqtt-panel:latest

and browse to http://localhost:8080 which will appear as:


Prebuilt container images are available on Docker Hub.



mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/mqtt-panel

docker run -n mqtt-panel -d -it --rm -p 8080:8080 \
    --volume my-config.yaml:/config.yaml:ro \
    --volume $HOME/.cache/mqtt-panel:/data/cache:rw \


Configure your Deployment to suffice the docker configuration above. Additionally you can add a liveness endpoint at /api/health on the configured http port. To perform SSL endpoint termination you can add an ingress controller such as Traefik which comes standard with K3s.

A typical Deployment might include:

      - name: config
          name: mqtt-panel-config
      - name: data
          path: /mnt/mqtt-panel/data
          type: DirectoryOrCreate
      - name: mqtt-panel
        image: sourcesimian/mqtt-panel:latest
        - containerPort: 8080
        - name: config
          mountPath: /config.yaml
          subPath: config.yaml
        - name: data
          mountPath: /data
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 30
            path: /api/health
            port: 8080

Kubernetes allows for the config file to be supplied in various ways. Using a ConfigMap the following commands are a convienient way to supply and update directly from your YAML:

kubectl -n "$NAMESPACE" delete configmap mqtt-panel-config &>/dev/null || true
kubectl -n "$NAMESPACE" create configmap mqtt-panel-config \
kubectl -n "$NAMESPACE" rollout restart deploy mqtt-panel

MQTT Infrastructure

An installation of mqtt-panel will need a MQTT broker to connect to. There are many possibilities available. In the demo EMQ X, a free Open-Source, Cloud-Native broker, is used. YOu can subscribe to sourcesimian/mqtt-panel/demo/# with your favourite MQTT viewer. Eclipse Mosquitto is a great self-hosted option with many ways of installation including pre-built containers on Docker Hub.

To compliment your MQTT infrastructure you may consider the following other microservices:

Service Description
mqtt-gpio Connects MQTT topics to GPIO pins.
mqtt-ical Publishes values to MQTT topics based on events in an iCal Calendar.
mqtt-kube Maps Kubernetes object values to and from topics on MQTT.
NodeRED A flow-based visual programming tool for wiring together devices, with built in MQTT integration and many others available. Can easily be used to add higher level behaviours.


mqtt-panel consumes a single YAML file. To start off you can copy config-basic.yaml


The following are conventions that are used in the YAML configuration:

Item Description
<string> Any string of characters, preferably "quoted" to avoid YAML from interpreting in a different way.
<icon> These are material-icons from the Google Fonts library.
<color> Is any HTML style color, e.g. red, "#F04040", rgb(240, 64, 64), etc. Use "quotes" to ensure that the # is not interpreted as a comment.
<topic> A MQTT topic, e.g. fizz/buzz/status. Subscriptions can also accept the * and # wildcards. Use "quotes" to ensure that the # is not interpreted as a comment.
<identifier> A string of alpha-numeric characters, and _


  host: <host>                  # optional: MQTT broker host, default:
  port: <port>                  # optional: MQTT broker port, default 1883
  client-id: mqtt-panel         # MQTT client identifier, often brokers require this to be unique
  topic-prefix: <topic prefix>  # optional: Scopes the MQTT topic prefix
  auth:                         # optional: Defines the authentication used to connect to the MQTT broker
    type: <type>                # Auth type: none|basic|mtls, default: none
    ... (<type> specific options)

MQTT - Basic Auth

    type: basic
    username: <string>          # MQTT broker username
    password: <string>          # MQTT broker password

MQTT - mTLS Auth

    type: mtls
    cafile: <file>              # CA file used to verify the server
    certfile: <file>            # Certificate presented by this client
    keyfile: <file>             # Private key presented by this client
    keyfile_password: <string>  # optional: Password used to decrypt the `keyfile`
      - <string>                # optional: list of ALPN protocols to add to the SSL connection

Web Server

  bind: <bind>                  # optional: Interface on which web server will listen, default
  port: <port>                  # Port on which web server will listen, default 8080
  max-connections: <integer>    # optional: Limit the number of concurrent connections, default 100
  logging-level: <level>        # optional: Select logging level of HTTP requests, default: INFO

User Auth

auth:                           # User Auth
  users:                        # optional: User/password auth
  - username: <string>
    password: <string>

Cache and Logging

cache:                          # Configure cache
  root: <path>                  # optional root path, default ./cache
logging:                        # Logging settings
  level: INFO                   # optional: Logging level, default DEBUG


mqtt-panel is divided into panels, one panel is show at a time, each panel is a collection of groups.

  - title: <string>             # Panel title text
    icon: <icon>                # Icon shown on the menu bar
    groups:                     # list of group identifiers
      - <identifier>            # e.g. "group_one"
  ... (repeat)


A group is a boxed collection of widgets. They can be reused on multiple panels.

  - title: <string>             # Title text
    name: <identifier>          # Identifier, e.g. "group_one"
    widgets:                    # List of widgets in ths group
    ... (widgets)
  ... (repeat)


A widget is a functional element, which is used to publish and/or subscribe to MQTT topics, and display and/or input some payload.

All widgets have the following common attributes.:

    - title: <string>           # Title text
      type: <type>              # Widget type
      qos: [0 | 1 | 2]          # optional: MQTT QoS to use, default: 1
      retain: [False | True]    # optional: Publish with MQTT retain flag, default: False
      cache: [False | True]     # optional: Cache last seen payloads, default: False
      ref: <widget reference>   # optional: Identifier string for widget reuse.

retain is a flag that is set when publishing a payload to MQTT. If set the message will persist in the broker, clients will re-receive that payload when reconnecting. This does not always give the desired behaviour.

You will note that at startup some widgets show "unknown" until a payload on the subscribed MQTT topic is recieved. To improve user experience of mqtt-panel cache: True will preserve the last seen payload for a widget. This enables the server to immediately show the last known state after a restart, even with a MQTT topic using retain: False.

To reuse a widget add the ref attribute, and then add the widget to other groups as:

    - ref: <widget reference>  # Identifier of widget to reuse


Simply display the payload of the subscribed MQTT topic.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: text            # Widget type
      subscribe: <topic>    # MQTT topic to listen on
      color: <color>        # optional: Color of the text


    - title: My Text
      type: text
      subscribe: text/content
      color: "#123456"


Display some text, an icon and color when the defined payloads are received from the subscribed topic.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: light           # Widget type
      subscribe: <topic>    # MQTT topic to listen on
      - payload: <string>     # Payload to match for this value
        text: <string>        # optional: Text shown
        icon: <icon>          # optional: Icon shown
        color: <color>        # optional: Color of icon and text
      ... (repeat)


    - title: My Light
      type: light
      subscribe: light/state
      - payload: "false"
        text: OFF
        color: black
        icon: light
      - payload: "true"
        text: ON
        color: yellow
        icon: light


Publish a constant value to a MQTT topic.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: button          # Widget type
      text: <string>        # optional: Text to show on widget
      publish: <topic>      # MQTT topic to write to
      payload: <string>     # MQTT payload to publish


    - title: My Button
      type: button
      text: Push Me
      publish: button/command
      payload: PRESSED


Publish the next payload in the list of values to a topic. Update the display with text, icon and color when the payload returns on the subscribed topic.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: switch          # Widget type
      publish: <topic>      # MQTT topic to write to
      subscribe: <topic>    # MQTT topic to listen on
      - payload: <string>     # Payload to match for this value
        text: <string>        # optional: Text shown
        icon: <icon>          # optional: Icon shown
        color: <color>        # optional: Color of icon and text
      ... (repeat)


    - title: My Switch
      type: switch
      publish: widget/switch/command
      subscribe: widget/switch/state
      - text: "Off"
        payload: "false"
      - text: "On"
        payload: "true"


Show the received value and a vertical bar gauge where the text, icon and color will change based on the value of the subscribed payload.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: gauge           # Widget type
      subscribe: <topic>    # MQTT topic to listen on
      text: <string>        # optional: The default text when not given with range
      color: <color>        # optional: The default color when not given with range
      icon: <icon>          # optional: The default icon when not given with range
      - range: [<int>, <int>] # Value for start and end of range
        text: <string>        # optional: Text shown when value in range
        color: <color>        # optional: Color shown when value in range
        icon: <icon>          # optional: Icon shown when value in range
      ... (repeat)              
                            # max and min value will be determined from starts and ends


    - title: Sound
      type: gauge
      subscribe: example/volume
      - range: [0, 10]
        text: "Quiet"
        icon: volume_off
        color: "#00c000"
      - range: [10, 30]
        text: "Gentle"
        icon: volume_mute
        color: "#02b002"
      - range: [30, 70]
        text: "Medium"
        icon: volume_down
        color: "#82b002"
      - range: [70, 90]
        text: "Noisy"
        icon: volume_up
        color: "#b08a02"
      - range: [90, 100]
        text: "Loud"
        icon: volume_up
        color: "#b03c02"


Show the received value and a vertical bar gauge where the text, icon and color will change based on the value of the subscribed payload. Additionally when tapped, show a slider which can be used to input and publish a value between the max and min value.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: slider          # Widget type
      live: [False | True]  # optional: Realtime publishing. Default: False
      ... (same as gauge)

Setting live: True the current value of the slider will be published as it changes. The default behaviour is to publish only the final selected value when the slider is released.


Display some text, an icon and color when the defined payloads are received from the subscribed topic. When tapped, shows a list of the other values which can be published.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: select          # Widget type
      publish: <topic>      # MQTT topic to write to
      subscribe: <topic>    # optional: MQTT topic to listen on
      - payload: <string>     # Payload to send and match
        text: <string>        # optional: Text shown
        icon: <icon>          # optional: Icon shown
        color: <color>        # optional: Color of icon and text
      ... (repeat)


    - title: My Select
      type: select
      publish: widget/select/command
      subscribe: widget/select/state
      - text: "Venice"
        payload: "Gondola"
        icon: rowing
        color: cyan
      - text: "Cape Town"
        payload: "Mountain"
        icon: landscape
        color: green


Display content in a <iframe>. The src attribute can be bound to a MQTT topic.

    - title: <string>       # Title text
      type: iframe          # Widget type
      subscribe: <topic>    # optional: MQTT topic to listen on, bound to iframe 'src'
      refresh: <seconds>    # optional: Interval at which to refresh the iframe
      attr:                 # Attributes to be set on the iframe
        src: <url>            # optional: Can be set as a default vaule for 'src'
        ...                   # additional attributes


    - title: Iframe
      type: iframe
      subscribe: iframe/src
        width: 480px
        height: 315px
        title: YouTube video player
        allow: accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture


Yes sure! And please. I built mqtt-panel because I couldn't find a "I'm not ready to commit to full blown HA yet" solution that was self hosted and server side configurable. I don't know much about contemporary HTML, CSS and Typescript so I will gladly accept advice from those who know more. I want it to be a project that is quick and easy to get up and running, and helps open up MQTT to anyone.

Before pushing a PR please consider adding unit tests and ensure that make check and make test are clean.


Setup the virtualenv:

python3 -m venv virtualenv
. ./virtualenv/bin/activate
python3 ./ develop

Run the server:

mqtt-panel ./config-demo.yaml


In the spirit of the Hackers of the Tech Model Railroad Club from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who gave us all so very much to play with. The license is MIT.