Firmware to make an MSP430 take the PWM signals output (3 axis/channel) from an RC receiver and do the right trigonometric-magic to drive 4 mecanum (omni-direction) wheels.
I'm making this for a omni-directional skateboard-thing but no reason it won't work for a regular robot.
I build using msp430-elf-gcc which is the mainline gcc tool chain targeting MSP430. I use the AUR package msp430-elf-gcc.
For all the necessary math, I used libfixmath, a fixed point math library implemented using 16 bit integers.
Cross compiling libfixmath for MSP430 basically worked without issue, I just had to change all the binutils from gcc to msp430-elf-gcc.
I've included a copy of the libfixmath code and modified the Makefile a tad to make compiling go more smoothly.
If you've got msp430-elf-gcc installed (on Archlinux, that's the msp430-elf-gcc package and its dependencies, available in the AUR), compiling is as easy as running make.
This is probably garbage code riddled with bugs and poorly implemented or misunderstood everything.