The smallest, TAP-compliant, Mac-compatible, Bash test framework! (30 LOC)
Download the latest version by clicking one of the download links above or:
curl -o- | bash
setup() { echo "Hello from setup."; }
teardown() { echo "Hello from teardown."; }
test.shouldPass() {
echo "STDOUT from shouldPass"
echo "STDERR from shouldPass" >&2
(( 1 == 1 ))
test.shouldFail() {
echo "STDOUT from shouldFail"
echo "STDERR from shouldFail" >&2
(( 1 == 0 )) # <-- this fails so the test fails
(( 1 == 1 )) # <-- even though the final result passes
not ok 1 - test.shouldFail
# Standard Output:
# Hello from setup.
# STDOUT from shouldFail
# Hello from teardown.
# Standard Error:
# STDERR from shouldFail
# Stacktrace:
# test.shouldFail
# (( 1 == 0 )) # <-- this fails so the test fails
ok 2 - test.shouldPass
A test is any function starting with "test" or "spec":
testHelloWorld() {
: # write your test commands here
[ "Hello" = "Hello" ]
specGoodnightMoon() {
: # write your test commands here
[ "Goodnight" = "Goodnight" ]
A test will fail if any of the following conditions are met:
- The test function returns a non-zero exit code, e.g.
return 1
Note: if the last command in the function returns non-zero, it will fail
- The test function exits with a non-zero exit code, e.g.
exit 1
- Any statement in the function returns a non-zero exit code
testHelloWorld() {
[ "Hello" = "World" ] # <--- This will fail the test and stop execution.
(( 1 == 1 )) # <--- This command will not be run.
ℹ️ Note: To learn more, look into
set -e
(which is used inmicrospec
to fail tests)
Any function starting with "setup" or "before" is run before each test:
setupList() { # <--- could alternatively be named 'before' or 'beforeList' etc
list=( a b c )
testList() {
(( ${#list[@]} == 3 ))
Any function starting with "teardown" or "after" is run after each test:
before() { # <--- could alternatively be named 'setup' or 'setupTempDir' etc
tempDir="$( mktemp -d )"
after() { # <--- could alternatively be named 'teardown' or 'teardownTempDir' etc
[ -d "$tempDir" ] && rm -r "$tempDir"
testSomething() { # <--- could alternatively be named 'specSomething' etc
echo "Hello, world!" > "$tempDir/hello"
[ "Hello, world!" = "$( cat "$tempDir/hello" )" ]
ℹ️ Note: Teardown functions are run even if the test fails.
By default, Standard Output and Standard Error are only shown for failing tests.
Run VERBOSE=true ./microspec
to view STDOUT
for passing tests.
ℹ️ Note: View the final passing command of passing tests by setting
Mac OS uses a very old version of Bash: Bash 3.5.57
(released in 2006)
was specifically authored to make sure this old version was supported.
supports all Bash versions from 3.2.57
to 5.0
For those who are interested, here are the 30 lines of code for microspec
#! /usr/bin/env bash
MICROSPEC_VERSION=1.9.2; [ "$1" = --version ] && { echo "microspec version $MICROSPEC_VERSION"; exit 0; }
[ "$1" = --list ] && [ -f "$2" ] && { source "$2"; if declare -pF | awk '{print $3}' | grep -i '^test\|^spec' 2>/dev/null; then exit 0; else exit $?; fi; }
runAll() { if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then return 0; fi; if __spec__functions="$( declare -pF | awk '{print $3}' | grep -i "$1" 2>/dev/null )"; then for __spec__fn in $__spec__functions; do $__spec__fn; done; fi; }
recordCmd() { spec_return=$?; if (( $1 == 0 )) && [ "$2" != "$0" ] && { [ -z "${__spec__sourcedOk:-}" ] || [ "$4" = "$SPEC_TEST" ]; } && [ -z "${__spec__testDone:-}" ]; then CMD_INFO=("${@:1}"); fi; if [ "$4" = "${CMD_INFO[3]:-}" ]; then return $spec_return; else return 0; fi; }
[ "$1" = --run ] && [ -f "$2" ] && [ -n "$3" ] && { SPEC_FILE="$2"; SPEC_TEST="$3"; shift 3; set -eET; trap 'spec_return=$?; [ -z "${__spec__sourcedOk:-}" ] && declare -p CMD_INFO; exit $spec_return;' ERR
trap 'CMD_INFO[0]=$?; __spec__testDone=true; [ "${__spec__sourcedOk:-}" = true ] && runAll "^teardown\|^after"; declare -p CMD_INFO' EXIT
trap 'recordCmd $? "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" "$LINENO" "${FUNCNAME[0]:-}" "$BASH_COMMAND";' DEBUG;
source "$SPEC_FILE"; __spec__sourcedOk=true; runAll "^setup\|^before"; "$SPEC_TEST"; exit $?; }; SPEC_FILES=()
while (( $# > 0 )); do [ "$1" = -f ] || [ "$1" = --filter ] && { SPEC_FILTER="$2"; shift 2; continue; } || { SPEC_FILES+=("$1"); shift; }; done
declare -i PASSED=0; declare -i FAILED=0;
for SPEC_FILE in "${SPEC_FILES[@]}"; do echo -e "[\033[36m$SPEC_FILE\033[0m]"
if [ -f "$SPEC_FILE" ]; then
SPEC_TESTS="$( "$0" --list "$SPEC_FILE" 2>&1 )"; (( $? != 0 )) && { echo -e " [\033[31mLoad Error\033[0m]\n\033[31;2m$( echo "$SPEC_TESTS" | sed 's/^/ /' )\033[0m"; } || { for SPEC_TEST in $(echo "$SPEC_TESTS" | grep -i "${SPEC_FILTER:-.}"); do
SPEC_TEST_OUTPUT="$({ STDERR="$({ STDOUT="$( "$0" --run "$SPEC_FILE" "$SPEC_TEST" )"; } 2>&1; declare -i EXITCODE=$?; declare -p STDOUT >&2; declare -p EXITCODE >&2; exit $EXITCODE;)"; declare -p STDERR; exit 0; } 2>&1 )"
[[ "$STDOUT" =~ .*(declare[[:space:]]-a[[:space:]]CMD_INFO=[\']?\(.*)$ ]] && __spec_lastCmdText__="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
[ -n "${__spec_lastCmdText__:-}" ] && { eval "$__spec_lastCmdText__"; STDOUT="${STDOUT%"$__spec_lastCmdText__"}"; STDOUT="${STDOUT%$'\n'}"; }
(( EXITCODE == 0 )) && { (( PASSED++ )); echo -e " [\033[32mPASS\033[0m] $SPEC_TEST"; } || { (( FAILED++ )); echo -e " [\033[31mFAIL\033[0m] $SPEC_TEST"; }
(( EXITCODE != 0 )) || [ "${VERBOSE:-}" = true ] && {
[ -n "$STDOUT" ] && { echo -e " [\033[34mStandard Output\033[0m]"; echo -e "\033[39;2m$( echo -e "$STDOUT" | sed 's/^/ /' )\033[0m"; }
[ -n "$STDERR" ] && { echo -e " [\033[31mStandard Error\033[0m]"; echo -e "\033[39;2m$( echo -e "$STDERR" | sed 's/^/ /' )\033[0m"; }
(( ${#CMD_INFO[@]} > 2 )) && { (( EXITCODE != 0 )) || [ "$STACKTRACE" = true ]; } && {
echo -e " [\033[33mStacktrace\033[0m]"; [ -f "${CMD_INFO[1]}" ] && [ "${CMD_INFO[2]}" -le "$( wc -l < "${CMD_INFO[1]}" 2>&1 )" ] && {
echo -e " \033[34m${CMD_INFO[1]}\033[0m:\033[34m${CMD_INFO[2]} ${CMD_INFO[3]}"; echo -e "\033[33;2m$( sed "${CMD_INFO[2]}q;d" "${CMD_INFO[1]}" | sed "s/^ *//g" | sed "s/^/ /" )\033[0m"; } || {
echo -e " \033[34m${CMD_INFO[3]}"; echo -e "\033[33;2m ${CMD_INFO[4]}\033[0m"; }; }; }
done; }
done; (( FAILED > 0 )) && echo -e "\033[31;1m" || echo -e "\033[32m"; echo -e "$PASSED Passed, $FAILED Failed"; printf '\033[0m%s' ''; (( FAILED > 0 )) && exit 1 || exit 0
Some interesting things to note for Bash geeks:
- Every test is run in its own subprocess (with
set -eET
) - No temporary files are used (we get STDOUT/STDERR separately a different way)
- The subprocess communicates its result back to the parent using
declare -p
- The subprocess defines variables and uses
declare -p VAR
to safely serialize the variable - Then the parent process
's the provided safely serialized string
- The subprocess defines variables and uses
trap is used to get the command that failed (ERR
sees the command after the failing one)- Every command is watched so, when
are triggered, we have the command that failed
- Every command is watched so, when
trap is registered but does nothing. Simply being registered letsERR
exit and triggerEXIT
trap is used to run teardown functions and usesdeclare -p
to communicate back to the parentmicrospec
, itself, does not run withset -e
orset -u
(it would add extra needless code)- It was really fun to make!