MALMI is developed on a Linux OS system. Therefore, we suggest using MALMI on Linux. For using MALMI on Windows and Mac OS systems, we anticipated there might be problems during compiling and running. Please feel free to create "Pull requests" or suggest changes if you solve problems/bugs in Windows and Mac OS systems.
We suggest to create and work in a new python environment for MALMI. The installation is done via Anaconda. For more information see conda.
Currently MALMI can utilize EQTransformer and SeisBench as the ML engine and loki as the migration engine. So the these softwares should be installed as well. We will guide you step by step in this section to install all the required packages. It seems the installation of EQTransformer and SeisBench are not compatible, so you will have to choose one as ML engine, or install two virtual environments.
If you want to use original EQTransformer as ML engine:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda create -n malmi python=3.7 obspy spyder==5.0.3 pygmt six~=1.15.0 numpy~=1.19.2 protobuf'<3.20,>=3.9.2'
conda activate malmi
If you want to use SeisBench as ML engine:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda create -n malmi python=3.9 pygmt
conda activate malmi
git clone
cd WHERE_EQTransformer_IS_STORED
python install
pip install seisbench
git clone
pip install .
git clone
Currently only Vel2Grid and Grid2Time programs are used and remember to put them in a executable path after compiling NonLinLoc.
There are two ways to install NonLinLoc:
- Through NonLinLoc GitHub Page (Recomended)
Install example:
git clone
cd NonLinLoc/src
mkdir bin # bin/ is a subdirectory of src/
cmake .
echo 'export PATH="WHERE_CODE_IS_STORED/NonLinLoc/src/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Follow NonLinLoc Home Page for installing the NonLinLoc software.
Install example:
mkdir NLL
tar -xzvf NLL7.00_src.tgz -C ./NLL
cd ./NLL/src
make -R distrib
echo 'export PATH="WHERE_CODE_IS_STORED/NLL/src:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Follow the user manual page to use MALMI.
Please cite the following paper in your documents if you use MALMI in your work.
Peidong Shi, Francesco Grigoli, Federica Lanza, Gregory C. Beroza, Luca Scarabello, Stefan Wiemer; MALMI: An Automated Earthquake Detection and Location Workflow Based on Machine Learning and Waveform Migration. Seismological Research Letters 2022; doi:
author = {Shi, Peidong and Grigoli, Francesco and Lanza, Federica and Beroza, Gregory C. and Scarabello, Luca and Wiemer, Stefan},
title = "{MALMI: An Automated Earthquake Detection and Location Workflow Based on Machine Learning and Waveform Migration}",
journal = {Seismological Research Letters},
year = {2022},
month = {05},
issn = {0895-0695},
doi = {10.1785/0220220071},
url = {},
eprint = {},
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details, see in the license file.
If you would like to contribute to the project or have any suggestions about the code, please feel free to create Pull Requests, raise issues and contact me.
If you have any questions about the usage of this package or find bugs in the code, please also feel free to contact me.
Copyright(C) 2021 Peidong Shi
Author: Peidong Shi
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]