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Drupal Starter Project

Use this project as a starting point for your containerized Drupal projects. It has the following features:

  • Very lightweight. Ideal for local development.
  • Dockerized: It uses 2 or 3 containers - web, php, db (optional if you use sqlite)
  • docker-compose.*.yml files for mysql, pgsql, traefik etc.
  • Includes drupal (core), composer, and drush
  • PROD fallback: Allows your local dev environment to redirect requests for uploaded file assets to the PROD instance. That way you don't have to copy all of them from PROD to local.
  • Pre-existing entrypoint scripts to set everything up for you every time you rebuild the containers

Steps to use it

  • cp .env.example .env and then edit .env to your taste.
  • Edit email addresses and site URL in drupal/drush/drush.yml
  • Optionally: Copy database dump files (*.sql and *.sql.gz) into db-init
  • Bring up the containers ...
docker-compose up -d
  • Wait for db container to be ready. Check with ...
docker-compose logs -f php
docker-compose logs -f db
docker-compose logs -f web
  • If you did not restore an existing site, then create a new one with ...
docker-compose exec php drush site-install
  • Now visit your website. Either use the public URL or use the following to find the Docker IP's URL.
echo "http://$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker-compose ps -q web))"


  • See what containers are running:
docker-compose ps
  • Look at the logs
docker-compose logs
  • Look at php logs
docker-compose logs php
  • Tail the php logs
docker-compose logs -f php

Optional Steps

You can add some useful extensions with ...

docker-compose exec php composer require drupal/admin_toolbar drupal/module_filter drupal/pathauto
docker-compose exec php drush -y en admin_toolbar_tools module_filter pathauto

And then configure Pathauto patterns.

If you want to use xdebug, change the command in docker-compose.override.yml to:

    command: php-fpm81 -F -d



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