Blank Space is a social network driven android application based on memes.
The application tries to incorporate an instagram feel, has it presents the user with a home screen through whitch the user can infinitely scroll through images retrieved from an api.
Users can select 5 different categories of memes.
User can also create and add their own memes to the app, and browse through memes of all other users by selecting the "Member edits" category.
Still in the mindset of "Member edits", Users are provided with a fresh pick of ready to go famous meme templates for their usage. They can edit any image inside the app and then share, post, download or add to their favorites.
With a fragment dedicated to user's favorite memes and templates, we made it easier to share your favorite Memes with your friends.
Blank Space allows you to share your thought and ideas in a general group chat, as well as trade private thought in private chat