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Serg74 edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 48 revisions

👋 Welcome to the WLED Wemos shield wiki!

➡️ How to start?

  1. Before you start ordering parts and shield PCBs, choose your build configuration that are suitable for your project
    You can also build a shield with bare minimum functionality

  2. Order PCB

  3. Order all parts you will need for your project

  4. Assemble your shield with chosen components

  5. Pretest your shield to assure everything is assembled correctly

  6. Flash Firmware for ESP8266 or ESP32 boards. Or build your own from source in VSCode with PlatformIO

  7. Optionally: Print enclosure.

If you need help with something or have questions feel free to ask or visit WLED Discord.

ℹ️ This guide was made for WLED wemos shield v2.0 / v2.1. If you use another version please use Github history feature.

🚀 Overview

Wemos shield set

Wemos shield set

  1. If somebody lost a trace - Bill of materials.
  2. Very easy to assemble due to use of thru hole parts. No need to deal with SMD parts.
  3. Relay is used to reduce energy consumption.
  4. Fused LED power output and Development board power input.
  5. Can be used with 2 types of development boards Wemos D1 mini and ESP32 D1.
  6. Various configurations to use for different purposes and different types of LED strip.
  7. User can choose between precompiled binary and compile his own.

ESP32 WROOM 16mb D1 mini style

Highly recommended board due to use of updated ESP32 module and updated design, memory size is 4X comparing to most common boards. Most suitable for audio reactive project. Tested and appearing board is more snappy than rest of the ESP32 boards on market.

More information about this board

Purchase link

ESP32 WROOM 16mb D1 mini style

For ESP32 WROOM 16mb D1 mini style board:

  • GPIO17 - Default button (or CLK for APA102)
  • GPIO16 - Default LED out (DI for APA102 strip)
  • GPIO18 - IR receiver or optional button
  • GPIO19 - Relay
  • GPIO23 - Dallas temperature sensor (optional - used to report over MQTT temperature on board)
  • GPIO22 - I2C SCL
  • GPIO21 - I2C SDA
  • GPIO36 - Analog input for microphone or another analog device.

Wemos D1 mini original Wemos D1 mini clone

Shield pinout: For ESP8266 based boards:

  • GPIO0 - D3 - Default button (or CLK for APA102)
  • GPIO2 - D4 - Default LED out (DI for APA102 strip)
  • GPIO14 - D5 - IR receiver or optional button
  • GPIO12 - D6 - Relay
  • GPIO13 - D7 - Dallas temperature sensor (optional - used to report over MQTT temperature on board)
  • GPIO5 - D1 - I2C SCL
  • GPIO4 - D2 - I2C SDA
  • A0 - Analog input for microphone or another analog device.

ESP32 D1

For ESP32 based boards:

  • GPIO17 - Default button (or CLK for APA102)
  • GPIO16 - Default LED out (DI for APA102 strip)
  • GPIO18 - IR receiver or optional button
  • GPIO19 - Relay
  • GPIO23 - Dallas temperature sensor (optional - used to report over MQTT temperature on board)
  • GPIO22 - I2C SCL
  • GPIO21 - I2C SDA
  • GPIO36 - Analog input for microphone or another analog device.

Another compatible board is here QuinLED-ESP32 (QuinLED-ESP32 AB and QuinLED-ESP32 AE versions)

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