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Channels Raidar

Monitoring of Raiden Network Payment Channels.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 15 53 35


  • Observe and list the ChannelOpened, ChannelClosed and ChannelSettled events emitted by the smart contract
  • Keep a list of the open raiden channels
  • List should update as new events are observed
  • Write either in TypeScript or JavaScript
  • Use any of the following frameworks: Vue.js, React, Angular
  • Build using a testable architecture
  • Manage state (easy-peasy + use of react context and hooks)
  • Provide tests: some tests are written but of course more are to be written


  • Query smart contract state history using a The Graph's subgraph
  • Filter by channel state (open, closed, settled)
  • Filter by channel's participant address

Project structure

This project is made of 3 packages:

Smart contracts .sol file, ABIs .json files, contracts addresses, local smart contracts development

Fork of the default create-react-app template

The Graph is a tool for for indexing events emitted on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides you with an easy-to-use GraphQL API. To learn more, check out the The Graph documentation
Deployed Raiden Channels Subgraph

By default query responses are limited to 100 items per collection. If you want to receive more, you can go up to 1000 items per collection and beyond that you can paginate. See thegraph faq

Available Scripts

Owing to this dependency on Yarn Workspaces, Create Eth App can't be used with npm.
Each script can be run either from the root folder with yarn [package]:[script] or from within a package folder with yarn [script].

Package Script Description
contracts ganache Starts a local blockchain (deterministic, goerli, port 8545) with ganache-cli.
contracts test [dev branch only, after using the ganache script] Deploys contracts (ERC20, SecretRegistry and TokenNetwork. Opens a channel. Watch event.
contracts openchannel [dev branch only, after using the ganache and test scripts] Executes the openChannel function of TokenNetwork.sol to fire an OpenedChannel event.
react-app start Runs the React app in development mode at http://localhost:3000.
react-app test Runs the React test watcher in an interactive mode.
react-app build Builds the React app for production to packages/react-app/build.
react-app eject Remove the single build dependency from your React package.
subgraph codegen Generates AssemblyScript types for smart contract ABIs and the subgraph schema.
subgraph build Compiles the subgraph to WebAssembly
subgraph auth Before deploying your subgraph, you need to sign up on the Graph Explorer. You will need to provide your access token
subgraph deploy Deploys the subgraph to the official Graph Node.

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