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The repository for my own personal home page, This is primarily an experiment for me; an excuse to get my hands dirty with Elixir, Phoenix and Phoenix Live View.

Local Development

You will need to have Erlang and Elixir installed on your local system. See the installation steps here.

Clone the repo and then fetch the dependencies with mix deps.get.

Install the node dependencies:

npm install --prefix=apps/rcd_web/assets
npm run watch --prefix=apps/rcd_web/assets

Set up your local config files:

cp config/prod.secret.example dev.secret.exs
cp config/test.secret.example test.secret.exs

Make sure you update those files with the credentials required for your local postgres instance.

Run the migrations to set up the database.

mix ecto.migrate

You can now insert seed data into the database via IEX:

iex -S mix

# Set up an administrator account
iex> Admin.Console.Accounts.insert_user("[email protected]", "password")

# Insert book data into the database

At this point you should now be able to launch the development server

mix phx.server

The site will be reachable at localhost:4000
