Mastering UITesting takes time. While making sure to catch all edge cases, system alerts, and any uncommon UI solution developed under the hood, Macchiato
allows you to simplify the process. Removing the burden of covering edge cases, animations, networking, and system alerts, simply manage your test cases in a JSON
file locally or remotely.
This is a perfect solution for developers that want to integrate their UITesting with their own CI solution.
- Installation
- Project Setup
- Creating Your Test Cases
- Handling System Alerts
- Taking Screenshots
- Licence
target 'Project_Tests' do
inherit! :search_paths
pod 'Macchiato'
Add a new
to the UI Test target and importMacchiato
import XCTest import Macchiato class MacchiatoTests: XCTestCase { override func setUpWithError() throws { } override func tearDownWithError() throws { } }
Let's configure and launch the sdk
Add this to the
functionlet app = XCUIApplication() var testingManager: Macchiato.Manager! override func setUpWithError() throws { continueAfterFailure = false guard let path = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).url(forResource: "tests", withExtension: "json") else { XCTFail("No tests file found"); return } let configurations = Macchiato.Configurations(contentsOfFile: path, bundleIdentifier: "", app: app) testingManager = Macchiato.Manager(configurations: configurations, target: self) testingManager.launch() }
You can also inject
let configurations = Macchiato.Configurations(contentsOfURL: url, bundleIdentifier: "", app: app)
Now we are ready to set up the test case
func testMacchiato(){ testingManager.runTests() }
will run the tests and report if there are any failures.
The test navigation works by querying XCUIElement
& XCUIElementQuery
types. Check out the navigation types for a full list here. The UI Testing tool identifies each element by either an index or a key, for example:
// Index
buttons.element(boundBy: index)
// Key
We need to set an accessibilityIdentifier
for each element. This can be done in Xcode, in the utilities panel under the identity inspector.
You are starting to feel this may take too long! Say no more... This is handled for you, all you have to do is follow 3 simple steps:
1) Add `pod 'StanwoodCore` to your podfile
2) import StanwoodCore in any .swift files that contains UI elements
3) When setting labels/text, you have two options:
a) Set the localised KEY in interface builder, i'e "MY_KEY_TITLE"
b) Set `.localisedText` instead of `.text`.
Note> It is required that you do not localise the key, rather then pass in the key. This will get handled by StanwoodCore
Macchiato works by querying element types from the views hierarchy and they can be accessed by calling a custom key or an index. For example, if we look at the image below from, we can see how the elements are laid out.
This is a great example where we have a top UIView
, which can be identified with a key, and a UICellectionView
, whose cells can be identified with an index.
First, we want to set the schema JSON format
{ "test_cases" : [ ] }
Creating a test case
{ "test_cases": [ "id" : "1", "title": "Images Test", "description": "Testing if the fifth image is tappable" ] }
action to support the test caseThe navigation is a collection of navigation actions. We need to set navigation items to navigation to what we want to test. For example, let's set navigation items according to the example above.
Let's assume this view is on:
The second tab can be access with
as index 1 -
And the images view is accessed by tapping a button in the tab's
with an identifier ofpierIdentifier
The fifth image can be access with
at index 4{ "test_cases": [ "id" : "1", "title": "Images Test", "description": "Testing if the fifth image is tappable", "navigation" : [ "tabs[1].action.tap", "buttons['pierIdentifier'].action.tap", "cells[4].action.tap" ] ] }
Now, let's say we want to test the image at position 11, which cannot be accessed in the view, we can set different actions, like
swipeUp, swipeDown
. For example:{ "test_cases": [ "id": "1", "title": "Images Test", "description": "Testing if the fifth image is tappable", "navigation": [ "tabs[1].action.tap", "buttons['pierIdentifier'].action.tap", "cells[4].action.swipeUp", "cells[10].action.tap" ] ] }
For the full action list, please check here
For the full navigation types, please check here. The UI Testing tool identifies each element by either an index or a key.
Note: Element identifiers will be listed in each project documentation under UI Testing Identifiers
supports system alerts. To monitor system alerts simply add .monitor
to any navigation handle.
"test_cases": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Images Test",
"description": "Testing if the fifth image is tappable",
"navigation": [
Screenshots have been integrated and has been added to the action list. To take a screenshot, add action.screenshot
To enable screenshots, add Environment Variable into the scheme Name: SRCROOT, Value: ${SRCROOT}
"test_cases": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Images Test",
"description": "Testing if the fifth image is tappable",
"navigation": [
- Renaming framework to Macchiato
- Adding support for contents of file or url
- Adding navigationBars support
- Improving error handling
- Removing some unused keys
Tal Zion [email protected]
Macchiato is under MIT Licence. See the LICENSE file for more info.