humanoid useful library
Multibody Dynamics Library designed for Free Floating Robots
eigen-quadprog allow to use the QuadProg QP solver with the Eigen3 library.
Model-based design and verification for robotics.
An integrated graphical robotics application framework including a simulator, a motion editor, etc.
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
Efficient optimal control solvers for robotic systems.
RBDL - Rigid Body Dynamics Library - ORB Version - The two main differences to the original rbdl is that this version has error handling and uses polymorphism for constraints
Application for visualizing and working with rbdl models
RBDL is a C++ library that contains some essential and efficient rigid body dynamics algorithms such as the Articulated Body Algorithm (ABA) for forward dynamics, Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm (…