Jacob Goldsmith, Claire Jellison, Ryan Kobler
Group 3 - Math 243: Andrew P. Bray
Reed College Statistics and Data Science
Yelp! An Exploratory Journey in Natural Language Processing
Welcome to our Yelp! project! This project is completed, and the final report is available in .md and .pdf form. All of our code and datasets can be found in the repo as well, so feel free to reproduce our results! Let us know if you have any questions about our methods or our results!
Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1A7Aw40w5JPKAfkSp8VL5yX4KhRBEsxn2wKa9ZYP9-p8/edit#slide=id.p
Yelp text analysis Can we predict the stars a reviewer gives from the sentiments expressed in the text review itself? https://www.kaggle.com/yelp-dataset/yelp-dataset.
Directory of files
contains 2 test and 2 training data sets based upon our two feature extraction approaches
contains all figures and tables referenced within the technical report
contains all of our scratchwork and pieces of code that then comprised our technical report and preliminary modeling efforts