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Connor Van Meter edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 32 revisions


Computing on Hyak (Slurm Updated)

  1. Switching to Slurm
  2. Loading R and R Packages
  3. Example Runfiles
  4. Helpful aliases
  5. Hyak wiki 1
  6. Hyak wiki 2


  1. Rstudio Server on CSDE
  2. R Package Reproducibility and Reprex

EpiModel Lab - Onboarding

About EpiModel

R Tutorials

  1. R Programming - Coursera
  2. Hadley Wickham - Advanced R
  3. Hadley Wickham - R Packages

Software and Configurations

  1. Required Software
  2. Configuring RStudio for EpiModel Development
  3. Create a Github Personal Access Token*

*Once you have your personal access token, type usethis::edit_r_environ() which will open your .Renviron file. Then paste your GITHUB token.

EpiModel Development with Github and Rstudio

  1. Guide to Github, RStudio, and Hyak
  2. Working with Github Repositories
  3. EpiModel Development Workflow
  4. Note Regarding R Build Issue Workaround