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This project is for Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES) Data Generator.


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This project is for Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES) Data Generator.

PTES Data Generator

Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES) Data Generator

Welcome to the PTES Data Generator project! This repository contains a Python script designed to reset and populate your MongoDB Atlas database with realistic testing data for the Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES). This service simulates various aspects of public transportation in Hong Kong, including multiple transport modes, routes, stops, fares, and journeys.

Table of Contents


The PTES Data Generator is a comprehensive tool that automates the process of resetting and populating MongoDB collections with test data tailored for the Public Transport Enquiry Service. This ensures a consistent and reliable testing environment, facilitating efficient development and robust testing of PTES functionalities.


  • Reset Functionality: Drops existing collections to ensure a clean state before data generation.
  • Data Generation:
    • Transport Modes: Predefined modes such as MTR, LRT, Bus, etc.
    • Locations: Randomly generated geographical points within Hong Kong.
    • Routes: Simulated transport routes with associated transport modes and locations.
    • Stops: Random stops for each route, linked to locations.
    • Journeys: Possible journey options based on origin, destination, and available routes.
  • Geospatial Indexing: Creates 2dsphere indexes on location fields to optimize geospatial queries.
  • Logging: Provides real-time logging for monitoring progress and diagnosing issues.
  • Data Type Compatibility: Ensures all numerical fields are compatible with MongoDB BSON specifications.


Before getting started, ensure you have the following:

  1. MongoDB Atlas Account:

  2. MongoDB Atlas Cluster:

    • Set up a MongoDB Atlas cluster where the testing data will be stored.
  3. MongoDB Atlas Connection String:

    • Obtain your cluster's connection string from the MongoDB Atlas dashboard.
    • Format: mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster-url>/ptes?retryWrites=true&w=majority
  4. Python Environment:

    • Python 3.6 or higher installed.
    • It's recommended to use a virtual environment to manage dependencies.


Follow these steps to set up the PTES Data Generator on your local machine:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd PTES-Data-Generator
  2. Set Up a Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended):

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  3. Install Required Packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    If a requirements.txt file is not provided, install the necessary packages manually:

    pip install pymongo faker


Before running the script, configure the necessary settings:

  1. Update the MongoDB Connection String:

    Open the script and locate the MONGO_URI variable. Replace the placeholders with your actual MongoDB Atlas credentials and cluster information.

    MONGO_URI = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<your-cluster-url>/ptes?retryWrites=true&w=majority"


    MONGO_URI = "mongodb+srv://stevenguo:[email protected]/ptes?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
  2. Adjust Data Generation Parameters (Optional):

    The script includes variables to control the volume of generated data. Modify these as needed.

    NUMBER_OF_LOCATIONS = 100          # Number of geographical locations
    NUMBER_OF_ROUTES = 500             # Number of transport routes
    NUMBER_OF_JOURNEYS = 1000          # Number of journey options
  3. Secure Sensitive Information:

    For enhanced security, consider using environment variables to store sensitive information like the MongoDB URI.


    import os
    MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI")

    Set the Environment Variable:

    export MONGO_URI="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<your-cluster-url>/ptes?retryWrites=true&w=majority"


Once configured, follow these steps to reset and generate testing data:

  1. Run the Script:

  2. Monitor the Output:

    The script utilizes the logging module to provide real-time feedback. You should see log messages indicating the progress of each step.

    Sample Output:

    INFO:__main__:Connected to MongoDB Atlas database: ptes
    INFO:__main__:Dropped collection: locations
    INFO:__main__:Dropped collection: transport_modes
    INFO:__main__:Dropped collection: routes
    INFO:__main__:Dropped collection: stops
    INFO:__main__:Dropped collection: journeys
    INFO:__main__:Created geospatial index on 'location' field in 'locations' collection.
    INFO:__main__:Inserted 9 transport modes.
    INFO:__main__:Inserted 100 locations.
    INFO:__main__:Prepared 100 routes.
    INFO:__main__:Inserted 500 routes.
    INFO:__main__:Inserted 7500 stops.
    INFO:__main__:Inserted 1000 journeys.
    INFO:__main__:Reset and data generation completed successfully.
  3. Post-Execution:

    After successful execution, your MongoDB Atlas database named ptes will have the following collections populated with test data:

    • transport_modes
    • locations
    • routes
    • stops
    • journeys

Script Structure

The script is organized into several key functions to streamline the process:

  1. reset_collections(db):

    • Drops existing collections (locations, transport_modes, routes, stops, journeys) to reset the database.
  2. create_geospatial_index(db):

    • Creates a 2dsphere index on the location field in the locations collection to optimize geospatial queries.
  3. generate_transport_modes(db):

    • Inserts predefined transport modes into the transport_modes collection.
  4. generate_locations(db):

    • Generates and inserts random geographical locations into the locations collection.
  5. generate_routes(db):

    • Generates and inserts transport routes associated with transport modes and locations into the routes collection.
  6. generate_stops(db, route_ids):

    • Generates and inserts stops for each route into the stops collection.
  7. generate_journeys(db):

    • Generates and inserts possible journey options based on origins, destinations, and available routes into the journeys collection.
  8. convert_decimals(obj):

    • Recursively converts any Decimal instances in a document to float to ensure BSON compatibility.
  9. main():

    • Orchestrates the execution flow by calling the above functions in the appropriate order.


After running the script, verify that the data has been inserted correctly:

  1. Using MongoDB Atlas UI:

    • Log in to your MongoDB Atlas account.
    • Navigate to your cluster and select the ptes database.
    • Examine each collection (transport_modes, locations, routes, stops, journeys) to ensure data has been populated.
  2. Using MongoDB Shell or a Client:

    mongo "mongodb+srv://<your-cluster-url>/ptes" --username <username>

    Once connected, run the following commands:

    use ptes
    db.transport_modes.countDocuments()    // Should return 9
    db.locations.countDocuments()          // Should return 100
    db.routes.countDocuments()             // Should return 500
    db.stops.countDocuments()              // Should return between 2500 and 10000 (500 routes * 5-20 stops)
    db.journeys.countDocuments()           // Should return up to 1000, may be less if some journeys were skipped

    Sample Document Retrieval:

  3. Test Geospatial Queries:

    Ensure that the locations collection supports geospatial queries by performing a sample query.

    Using MongoDB Shell:

        location: {
            $near: {
                $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [114.1694, 22.3193] }, // Example coordinates
                $maxDistance: 500 // in meters

    Expected Outcome:

    • The query should return locations near the specified coordinates within a 500-meter radius.


Customize the data generation process to better fit your testing requirements:

  1. Adjust Data Volume:

    Modify the following variables in the script to generate more or fewer documents:

    NUMBER_OF_LOCATIONS = 100          # Number of geographical locations
    NUMBER_OF_ROUTES = 500             # Number of transport routes
    NUMBER_OF_JOURNEYS = 1000          # Number of journey options
  2. Change Geographical Boundaries:

    Update the bounding box coordinates to target a different geographical area.

    # Bounding Box for Coordinates (Currently set to Hong Kong)
    MIN_LONGITUDE = 113.8
    MAX_LONGITUDE = 114.4
    MIN_LATITUDE = 22.25
    MAX_LATITUDE = 22.55
  3. Enhance Data Realism:

    • Route Numbering: Implement more realistic route numbering schemes based on actual transport standards.

    • Service Types: Expand or modify service types to include more variations.

    service_type = random.choice(["Express", "Regular", "Night", "Limited"])
  4. Expand Schema:

    Add additional fields to collections as needed, such as ratings, operational_status, or additional amenities.

    # Example: Adding 'status' to routes
    route = {
        "status": random.choice(["Operational", "Under Maintenance", "Suspended"]),
  5. Implement Multi-Modal Journeys:

    Extend the generate_journeys function to include interchanges between different transport modes for more complex journey simulations.

    # Example: Including interchanges
    journey = {
        "routes": [
                "route_id": route1["_id"],
                "mode_id": route1["mode_id"],
                "route_id": route2["_id"],
                "mode_id": route2["mode_id"],


Encountering issues while running the script? Here are common problems and their solutions:

1. Connection Errors

Error Message:

pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: command delete not found, ...


  • Check Connection String:

    • Ensure that the MONGO_URI is correctly formatted with the right username, password, and cluster URL.
  • Verify User Permissions:

    • Ensure the MongoDB user has readWrite permissions on the ptes database.
  • Confirm Collection Type:

    • Ensure that the target collections are regular collections, not views, as views do not support write operations.

2. Data Type Errors

Error Message:

bson.errors.InvalidDocument: cannot encode object: Decimal('-113.966888'), of type: <class 'decimal.Decimal'>


  • Ensure Numerical Fields Use Floats or Integers:

    • The script includes a convert_decimals function to handle this. Ensure it's properly implemented.
  • Review Custom Data Fields:

    • If you've added new fields, verify their data types.

3. Insufficient Data Insertion


  • Fewer documents are inserted than expected.


  • Check Generation Logic:

    • Ensure that the script isn't skipping document insertions due to missing references or failed criteria.
  • Review Logs:

    • Use the logging output to identify where the script might be skipping or failing to insert documents.

4. Script Crashes or Hangs


  • Check for Infinite Loops:

    • Ensure that loops in the script have proper termination conditions.
  • Monitor Resource Usage:

    • For large data volumes, ensure your machine has sufficient memory and processing power.

5. Environment Issues


  • Python Version:

    • Ensure you're using Python 3.6 or higher.
  • Dependency Versions:

    • Ensure that pymongo and faker are up-to-date.
    pip install --upgrade pymongo faker


  • Protect Sensitive Credentials:

    • Avoid Hardcoding: Do not hardcode sensitive information like the MongoDB URI in your scripts.

    • Use Environment Variables: Store sensitive data in environment variables or secure configuration files.

      Example Using Python's os Module:

      import os
      MONGO_URI = os.getenv("MONGO_URI")

      Set Environment Variable:

      export MONGO_URI="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<your-cluster-url>/ptes?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
  • Limit Network Access:

    • IP Whitelisting: In MongoDB Atlas, restrict network access to trusted IP addresses.

    • Use Strong Passwords: Ensure that MongoDB users have strong, unique passwords.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to enhance the PTES Data Generator, consider the following steps:

  1. Fork the Repository:

    Click the Fork button at the top right of this page.

  2. Clone Your Fork:

    git clone
    cd PTES-Data-Generator
  3. Create a New Branch:

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Your Changes:

    Implement your feature or fix.

  5. Commit Your Changes:

    git commit -m "Add your descriptive commit message"
  6. Push to Your Fork:

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  7. Create a Pull Request:

    Navigate to the original repository and create a pull request detailing your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For any questions, issues, or suggestions, please contact:

Steven Guo

Feel free to reach out, and I'll be happy to assist!

Happy Testing! πŸšπŸšŒπŸš‡


This project is for Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES) Data Generator.







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