Releases: stephanstapel/ZUGFeRD-csharp
Releases · stephanstapel/ZUGFeRD-csharp
What's New
- Almost complete support for UBL format
- Sub invoice line support by @HenriSHS in #430
- UTF-8 Encoding without BOM
What's Changed
- XRechnung UBL Fix by @ck-993 in #418
- Added UBL Test for ActualDeliveryDate by @ck-993 in #419
- Fix for missing closing delivery-tag #427 by @quotschmacher in #428
- #412 Fixed Start and Ending Tags for Trade Allowance/Charge CII by @quotschmacher in #431
- Fixed bugs in 23CIIReader and 22UblReader related to LineId and BuyerOrderReference by @Mjchj in #434
- write BaseQuantity as decimal format in UBL by @Tr1ckMan in #435
- Update SubjectCodes.cs by @s1nn3r in #438
- make readme code compile by @bw-flagship in #440
- Fix only the seller has a party identification in UBL by @Tr1ckMan in #442
- BT-X-7 & BT-X-8 by @HenriSHS in #426
- Fix CII writer for debit payment by @Tr1ckMan in #448
- Update InvoiceDescriptorHtmlRenderer.cs to fix a bug caused by todays namespace changes by @PelzigerCode in #450
- fix Syntax of PaymentTerms description in CII export by @Tr1ckMan in #437
- Update QuantityCodes.cs by @HenriSHS in #453
- Fix UBL writer for debit payment by @Tr1ckMan in #449
- use UTF8Encoding without BOM by @tipa in #420
- Ordering of AllowanceCharge and AllowanceTotalAmount Corrected by @shahchandra in #456
- Fix mandate reference must be provided for direct debit by @Tr1ckMan in #455
- Fix for UBL Invoice on document level allowance by @shahchandra in #457
- Set order reference and financial card holder to optional elements in ubl export by @Tr1ckMan in #465
- DocumentType should not be Present => DocumentDescription by @ck-993 in #472
New Contributors
- @ck-993 made their first contribution in #418
- @Mjchj made their first contribution in #434
- @Tr1ckMan made their first contribution in #435
- @s1nn3r made their first contribution in #438
- @bw-flagship made their first contribution in #440
- @PelzigerCode made their first contribution in #450
Full Changelog: 15.0.0...16.0.0
This is the biggest release of the component since supporting multiple ZUGFeRD/ XRechnung versions. Big progress on UBL handling, enhanced validator conformance. Thanks to all who contributed.
ZUGFeRD-csharp is largely based on spare-time work.
Please sponsor the development of ZUGFeRD-csharp:
Breaking Changes
- Support for ZUGFeRD 2.3, dropping ZUGFeRD 2.2 in 854a0da
- Better support for DesignatedProductClassification in f7e646c
- Support for multiple invoice referenced documents in a501fb6
- Parameter reordering of AdditionalReferencedDocuments in 56fa460
- AllowanceChargeBasisAmount is optional in 64da979
What's Changed
- Enhancements in UBL Writer
**by @shahchandra in #331
** by @shahchandra in #332 - Added some QuantityCodes by @0oNine in #337
- xml tag fixed by @landrix in #338
- Formatting invoiced quantity by @shahchandra in #340
- FacturX date fields with CR LF and space Characters by @cedricnotin in #343
- Added Austria VAT Number to ElectronicAddressSchemeIdentifiers.cs by @cst-tobias-michel in #354
- Lineitem lineid by @stephanstapel in #364
- #361 - Allowances and Charges on Document Level by @quotschmacher in #363
- Correct wrong references and update version by @jochenkirstaetter in #367
- Rename folder due to typo by @jochenkirstaetter in #368
- Test failed due to hardcoded path by @jochenkirstaetter in #369
- Add MWH-QuantityCode by @hh-it-co in #366
- Change SpecifiedTradePaymentTerms from type to List<> by @jochenkirstaetter in #370
- Duedate by @quotschmacher in #380
- SellerAssignedID is an optional Field by @quotschmacher in #379
- Added SellerOrderReferencedDocument by @quotschmacher in #381
- Made BaseQuantity per LineItem optional by @quotschmacher in #382
- Änderungen in Testmethoden by @MSergLoos in #384
- TaxTotal has cardinality 0..2 by @quotschmacher in #386
- Avoid Exception in InvoiceDescriptor22UBLWriter, satisfy validators for XRechnung with charges or allowances by @Syntaxrabbit in #385
- Fix for TaxTotalAmount by @quotschmacher in #387
- Satisfy validators for XRechnung and XRechnung1 with charges or allowances by @Syntaxrabbit in #393
- Made some more fields optional by @quotschmacher in #391
- Bugfix and Optimizations by @quotschmacher in #400
- Added IncludedItems in TradeLineItem by @HenriSHS in #404
New Contributors
- @0oNine made their first contribution in #337
- @cedricnotin made their first contribution in #343
- @cst-tobias-michel made their first contribution in #354
- @quotschmacher made their first contribution in #363
- @hh-it-co made their first contribution in #366
- @MSergLoos made their first contribution in #384
- @Syntaxrabbit made their first contribution in #385
- @HenriSHS made their first contribution in #404
Full Changelog: 14.1.0...15.0.0
What's Changed
- Correct reading of test indicator by @MelanieVeigl in #324
- Allow to read both qdt and udt datatypes. Tests by @MelanieVeigl in #327
New Contributors
- @MelanieVeigl made their first contribution in #324
Full Changelog: 14.0.0...14.1.0
Breaking Changes
- Removed all properties that were marked as obsolete in version 13.0.0
- Exchanged document text is free text now in 36377b4
- AllowanceChargeBasisAmount is optional in 64da979
What's Changed in general
- SpecifiedTradeAllowanceCharge by @Argollinger in #293
- UBL Writer by @shahchandra in #295
- Added designated production clasisfication in 3df126d
- ApplicableProductCharacteristic in the UBL format by @shahchandra in #299
- implement SellerTradeParty->Description (BT-33) other legal information by @PeterSawatzki-MGGM in #303
- Added invoicer trade party in 8bf66e7
- Enable setting seller description by @hihuz in #309
- Added tax currency code in ceaa221
- Fix duplicate ram:ID by @stefanschmidcyanit in #310
- Review and add a few changes to README by @jochenkirstaetter in #313
- Fix validation errors for XRechnung by @stefanschmidcyanit in #314
- SellerReferenceNo typo fixed and read added and UnitCode read from BilledQuantity by @landrix in #315
New Contributors
- @shahchandra made their first contribution in #295
- @hihuz made their first contribution in #309
- @jochenkirstaetter made their first contribution in #313
Full Changelog: 13.0.0...14.0.0
What's Changed
- Adding read support for XRechnung UBL by @WhereTheTimeWent in #251
- TradeAllowanceCharge corrections by @stephanstapel in #253
- Feature/despatch advice referenced document by @dbingham-tl in #266
- fixed cardinality of PostalTradeAddress properties by @tipa in #270
- SpecifiedTradeAllowanceCharge auf Doc Ebene wird falsch ausgelesen wen… by @PeterSawatzki-MGGM in #282
- IncludedNote/ContentCode was not included in read by @PeterSawatzki-MGGM in #283
- added ContentCode in TradeLineItem by @PeterSawatzki-MGGM in #287
New Contributors
- @WhereTheTimeWent made their first contribution in #251
- @dbingham-tl made their first contribution in #266
- @tipa made their first contribution in #270
- @PeterSawatzki-MGGM made their first contribution in #282
Full Changelog: 12.8.0...13.0.0
- ApplicableTradeSettlementFinancialCard (payment card info) gets generated for XRechnung by @abdallahbeshi in #240
- Add Profile for FacturX Ereporting by @Athilla in #238
Full Changelog: 12.6.0...12.7.0
What's Changed
- Add Ar (a) to QuantityCodes by @skeller1 in #232
- Ensure ElectronicAddressSchemeIdentifiers are written with 4 digits by @angrycodez in #228
- Add new Codes(e.g. Electonic Mail) to ElectronicAddressSchemes by @vissers-dev in #235
- Cleaner output - If the ram:ID is not set for the Seller or Buyer Party, an empty tag is no longer written by @drocx in #236
- Refactoring, thanks to :)
New Contributors
- @vissers-dev made their first contribution in #235
Full Changelog: 12.4.0...12.6.0
- Added ElectronicSchemeIdentifiers by @angrycodez
bugfix for writing parties