Almost 7 months after the last release of SLL on github (time flies - also why didn't I publish 2.1.x?), I am happy to announce a new version of it. This one has a lot of cool new features
that should hopefully make it easier for the normal end-user.
- Indexed more jars
- Multi-release insanity resolved
- CodeModifier phased out in favour of ASMTransformer
- Updated ASM (9.1 -> 9.2)
- Moved to JPMS (Java Platform Module System)
- JPackage!
- Crack down on exceptions being swallowed
- Windows builds fixed again
Hopefully there aren't any grave bugs in this release this time around (looking at you windows)
Important info for developers:
The coordinates of the maven artifact has changed from de.geolykt:starloader
to de.geolykt.starloader:launcher