Dusty FARGO-ADSG is an extension of the original 2D grid-based hydrodynamical code FARGO written by Frédéric Masset. It models the evolution of the gas and dust of a protoplanetary disc with embedded planets, optional energy equation (AD, originally standing for 'adiabatic') and optional gas self-gravity (SG). When included, dust can be treated either as Lagrangian particles with a power-law size distribution and/or as a zero/low-pressure fluid with fixed size. I thank Zhaohuan Zhu and Sareh Ataiee for their contributions to this version of the code, Ondrej Chrenko and Gaylor Wafflard-Fernandez for their feedbacks.
Have a look at the quick manual tour (dustyfargoadsg.pdf) to know more about the code's new features, how to install, compile and run it!
To post-process the results of Dusty FARGO-ADSG simulations, you can use fargo2python (https://github.com/charango/fargo2python).