Releases: stleary/stars-at-night
1.9 New per-table shortcodes, restore ISS table
1.8.1 Remove ISS and Iridium tables
The ISS table is not being populated, probably an API change on heavens-above.
The Iridium table is being removed because the iridium satellites are all gone.
Somehow this version got tagged with 1.8.1 due to lots of WP and SVN issues. All seems to be working now.
v1.6 timezone fix
The daylight savings timezone was not working on heavens-above. Removed the timezone param, so now all results are in UTC. Used the timezone param to convert the returned times to the local timezone. Seems to be working ok, may not be accurate around new years eve.
The real 1.5.1
Forgot to include version updates
v1.5.1 hotfix for early php versions
PHP versions prior to 5.4 don't support short form array initialization: $myArray = [ 1=> 2 ];
Instead, use this form: $myArray = array( 1=>2 );
The Lunar phase array initialization had to be replaced.
v1.4 Planet table
If you are planning to actually use this, better to first compare it to the svn tag dir.
v1.5 table images
Fixed Lunar images and algorithm
Added images to iss, iridium, and planet tables.
v1.3 Lunar images
Incorporate Lunar images into the Sun/Moon table.
Allow empty tables, if there are no satellite passes in the response.
Corresponds to WordPress plugin stars-at-night v1.3
v1.2 Support Iridium flares table, transient cache, and days param
Corresponds to WordPress plugin stars-at-night v1.2
The original GitHub 1.2 release was missing 1 file.
v1.1 Support for ISS tables
Corresponds to WordPress plugin stars-at-night v 1.1