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Development Discussion

calo1 edited this page Aug 31, 2016 · 5 revisions

Upcoming Potential Projects. Comment on your interest here!

Notes from Development Meeting 08/11/2016

5 potential long term development projects starting Fall 2016:

  1. New PARCEL DATA -> Adding a counties data into existing framework [BIG] 1a) Land Listing web scraper + integration with Farmlink (MLS), From individual realtors … finally Farmlink’s existing database, (SURVEY DATA CATEGORY) —> Integrate GIF lab knowledge of spatial python libraries -> The two priority counties to add are Sonoma County and Yolo County __> Ideal format of post processed parcel data. The common form.

  2. In - App Data Entry -> [BIG] crowdsourcing for land owners and farmers … move from visualization tool to data entry application “NOT CURRENTLY CROwDSOURCING” —stlim 2016 -> strengthen incentives to submit data .. by providing analytics regarding landowner - tenant interactions.

  3. QUERY UI task: configurable query .. Reports, Subsets of database are tabulated and visualized [NOT BIG] Taek will do it.

  4. Long term maintenance :Reproduce-ability : the farmview package : Decentralized package …[BIG]

  5. Map isn’t translated into spanish … or mapbook … For Mapbook -> django inputs

Other Development Objectives

True Farmview Fork

I would like to test the deployment of Farmview with a unique survey and Carto vizjson link. This would essentially test how deploy the same django infrastructure for a new set of survey questions and baseline spatial layers. This clone would have its own blog and mapbook. About, contact, and home page would need to be changed.. but are static files.

What are difficulties that I am not thinking of? I was thinking I could launch an FMP in Turkey .. or elsewhere.

Farmland Investment Monitoring Project (FIMP)

Who are the real owners behind the LLC's and LP's? A database of known company profiles and their owenrs could be linked with the ownership data.