this toolbox is intended to be a repository of api/tools that are helpful for easing the development process
- module root that is pluggable into a liferay gradle workspace
- sample/test code resides in test package only
- file in module root that describes usage and purpose
- semver compatible api for module versions and maven artifact releases
every module should be intended to be consumable as a maven artifact to provide some capability/functionality that can be included. Liferay dependencies are not considered 3rd party everything else is considered 3rd party and must be satisfied within the module by the gradle dependnecies/build.
ultimate goal is that a developer can reference your module via their build.gradle and use the tool you provide without having to copy/paste your module into their workspace.
I follow this guide to creating and adding maven artifacts to /repository branch
maven artifacts are published under 'lfrgs' group
mvn repository under