This is a config for docker-compose set up of hermes relayer
docker compose -f docker-compose.stratos-osmosis.yml up -d
- Generate corresponding mnemonics
- Connect to the container
docker compose -f docker-compose.stratos-osmosis.yml exec hermes bash pushd /tmp
- Store them to files
touch keyosmosis.txt
touch keystratos.txt
NOTE: Put inside of these files
- Add them to the keystore
hermes --config .hermes/config.toml keys add --chain osmosis-1 --mnemonic-file /tmp/keyosmosis.txt
hermes --config .hermes/config.toml keys add --chain stratos-1 --mnemonic-file /tmp/keystratos.txt
rm -rf /tmp/*
Refill balance(s) on address(s) (via wallets or cli)
Check balance(s)
hermes --config .hermes/config.toml keys balance --chain osmosis-1
hermes --config .hermes/config.toml keys balance --chain stratos-1