The project idea that got me started in Arduino... a way to get a notification on my phone if my security alarm went off. It morphed into also a handful of temperature sensors.
- ESP-8266 (ESP-01... the tiny one).
- Two DS18B20 temperature sensors (one in attic, one in the house thermostat).
- Adjustable buck converter (4.5-28VDC in - .8-20VDC out - model CN1584). Adjusted to 3.3V. (eBay source)
- Upgraded the ESP-01's 1MB flash chip to 4MB to support OTA.
- Monitors a Broadview security alarm panel (details below) and notifies my mobile device when an alarm is triggered.
- Monitors temperature sensor added to house tstat and a temperature sensor located in the attic.
- In-app ability to manually update high/low temperatures using terminal
Almost every new home security system includes the ability to receive notifications on your mobile device, as well as remotely arm/disarm the system and more. I just wanted to receive a text if the alarm went off. My security company quoted me about $700 to replace the panels and keypads to support this. I did it for $10.
My home's main alarm panel is a mess of wires connected to an uninviting, large circuit board. After doing some research, I found my particular model of alarm was not "open source," friendly to being hacked, or compatible with modules and devices intended to add remote control and notifications.
Title | Include | Link |
OneWire | OneWire.h | |
Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library | DallasTemperature.h | |
Time | Timelib.h | |
SimpleTimer | SimpleTimer.h | |
ESP8266/Arduino | ESP8266WiFi.h | |
blynk-library | BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h | |
WidgetRTC | WidgetRTC.h | |
ESP8266 board mgr | N/A | json & instructions |
BasicOTA | ESP8266mDNS.h | Incl in Arduino IDE example for BasicOTA |
BasicOTA | WiFiUdp.h | Incl in Arduino IDE example for BasicOTA |
BasicOTA | ArduinoOTA.h | Incl in Arduino IDE example for BasicOTA |
Many thanks to all of the people above. How to edit this.