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robrobbins edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 13 revisions


  • ext namespace renamed to extensions
  • All View Class Objects (and their subclasses) can accept a reference to an already instantiated Model class as the data arg now. This is in addition to the previously existing ability to take a passed in hash of values and convert those to a unique model instance for that class object being instantiated.
  • Navigator class now included with sudo-x build
  • Persistable extension now included in the sudo-x build


  • Dataview renamed to DataView
  • bugfixes for send


  • addFilter method added to Change delegate
  • Change delegate filter method adds name property to the data object passed to targets
  • removeChildren added to Container. Convenience method to remove all children of a container.


  • Spaces (2) replace tabs as I am tired of check-ins with mixed tabs/spaces
  • build/debug/sudo-x.js dropped as build/debug/sudo.js becomes the primary 'built' file with all currently supported modules. A sudo-basic.html 'config' is now available as a basic build and as an example of an alternate build configuration
  • addedAsDelegate added to Base class. Any Class Object adding another abject as a delegate will now call this method if it exists on the delegate after adding it.
  • Spec suite uses Zepto, not jQuery


  • ViewController Class dropped from the default sudo.js (/build/debug/sudo.js) build. The module still resides in extras/viewController.
  • Bindable Class dropped from the default sudo.js build. The module still resides in extras/extensions/bindable.js
  • Build Tool updated to read the version from the <title> tag of the config.html file used to build it.
  • Updates for the persistable extension:
    1. global attribute set to false on AJAX requests (see zepto.js global AJAX property)
    2. default JSON data type enforced on both request and response during AJAX operations
  • DataView drops its build() step. There is a dataview_b.js file available for those who want it.


  • init() method dropped.
  • modelChangeBlacklist always present in DataView Class (formerly only if renderOnModelChange === true).
  • serverDataBlacklist implemented by the persistable extension to allow view-centric data to be removed prior to data being sent to the server in a save type operation.
  • autoRender removed from DataView Class. Replaced with 2 new options:
    1. renderOnAddedToParent: If truthy render will be called in the addedToParent method
    2. renderOnModelChange: If truthy render not called until model is changed (via a (un)set(s))
  • NOTE renderOnAddedToParent and renderOnModelChange are not exclusive, any combination of the two is allowed


  • Cash.js added to the lib as the default DOM library for the master branch
  • Static.js added to the lib directory to be used as a dependency for native branch
  • View class no longer sets this.$ and this.$el as cash does not return new instances. this.qs and this.qsa are instead the favored way to search (scoped to this.el).


  • View class (and DataView subclass) will not create a Model with the passed in data argument if passed one. The View will simply set the hash as View classes no longer accept a model instance as the data argument as well.
  • sudo.premier, View.becomePremier and View.resignPremier all removed.
  • DataView removed from default build
  • data Delegate removed from default build
  • Minor refactoring all around to reduce footprint.
  • Default template delimiters changed to [% %]
  • removeFromParent changed to removedFromParent to be consistent with addedToParent
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