Currently supports the following databases
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
schema_gen - Tool for generating schema file representing a database (tables, sequences, stored procedures, views, indexes, constraints, triggers)
It generates protobuf binary files representing the structure of the database entity, for eg, name, columns + their types etc for a table
Please ensure that the path for oracle install client libraries is in the %PATH% (Windows) & LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for macos, linux)
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\instantclient_21_3
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/instantclient_19_8
Apples-MacBook-Pro:sqldiffer sumeetc$ schema_gen --help
schema_gen [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-t, --type=[postgres|oracle|mysql|sqlserver] The database type
-n, --name= The database name
-i, --host= The database host
-p, --port= The database port
-u, --user= The database user
-w, --password= The database password
-s, --sch-nam= The database schema name
-f, --fil-nam= The generated schema/diff file name
--gen-proc Generate stored procedure files
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
diff_gen - Tool for generating diff sql when comparing 2 databases
It compares 2 previously generated protobuf schema files and provides diff sql statements which can be safely applied to the target database to get it closer to the source database
Apples-MacBook-Pro:sqldiffer sumeetc$ diff_gen --help
diff_gen [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-f, --src-scf= The source schema file name
-d, --tgt-scf= The target schema file name
-n, --one-file Whether a single diff file is needed or multiple?
-t, --tgt-dbt=[postgres|oracle|mysql|sqlserver] The target database type
-m, --tgt-dbn= The target database name
-s, --tgt-dbs= The target database schema name
-r, --rdiff Whether a reverse diff is needed or not?
-o, --out-file= Diff File Name
-p, --options= Extra Diff options
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
schema_gen -i host1 -n db1 -t postgres -u user -p 5432 -w 'pwd' -f schema_fp.json
schema_gen -i host2 -n db2 -t postgres -u user -p 5432 -w 'pwd' -f schema_tp.json
diff_gen -f /path/to/file/schema_fp.json -d /path/to/file/schema_tp.json -m db2 -t postgres
schema_gen -i host1 -n orcl -t oracle -u db1 -p 1521 -w 'pwd' -f schema_fo.json
schema_gen -i host2 -n orcl -t oracle -u db2 -p 1521 -w 'pwd' -f schema_to.json
diff_gen -f /path/to/file/schema_fo.json -d /path/to/file/schema_to.json -m db2 -t oracle
schema_gen -i host1 -n db1 -t mysql -u user -p 3306 -w 'pwd' -f schema_fm.json
schema_gen -i host2 -n db2 -t mysql -u user -p 3306 -w 'pwd' -f schema_tm.json
diff_gen -f /path/to/file/schema_fm.json -d /path/to/file/schema_tm.json -m db2 -t mysql
SQL Server
schema_gen -i host1 -n db1 -t sqlserver -u user -p 1433 -w 'pwd' -f schema_fs.json
schema_gen -i host2 -n db2 -t sqlserver -u user -p 1433 -w 'pwd' -f schema_ts.json
diff_gen -f /path/to/file/schema_fs.json -d /path/to/file/schema_ts.json -m db2 -t sqlserver
Generating protobuf files
cd protos && protoc --go_out=. *.proto && cd ..
Creating executable
go install ./...
make all
Cross compiling and building for windows x64
env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CGO_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/windows_oracle_install_client/instantclient_12_2_winx/sdk/include" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/windows_oracle_install_client/instantclient_12_2_winx/ -L/path/to/windows_oracle_install_client/instantclient_12_2_winx/sdk/msvc -lstdc++ -loci" go install -v -tags noPkgConfig ./...
make win_version