A plugin for the Scala simple-build-tool to create JNA mappings using JNAerator
1. In your project/plugins/MyJNAProjectPlugins.scala:
import sbt._ class MyJNAProjectPlugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) { val sumogitHub = "sumo.github.com" at "http://sumo.github.com/" val jna = "raja-consulting.co.uk" % "sbt-jna-plugin" % "1.0" }
2. In your project definition file:
import sbt._ class MyJNAProjectProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with JNAeratorProject{ override val library = "<your library name here>" override def includePaths = List("<any additional") }
This has not been tested in a multi-module project. Let me know how you get on!