Documentation on what and how to use these tools
- SimpleUIDialog
- SimpleUIToast
- AsyncSceneLoader
- DebugTools
- FPS Counter
- Console
- Versioning
- Feature Flags
- Unity 2018.1 and above
- Half a brain
Easy way to show beautifully designed dialog with deletaged buttons. Supports multiple dialog calls at the same time
You do not need to any prefab on the scene, it will be auto loaded by the script itself and assigned to do not be destroyed.
- Title
- Content
- Buttons (Delegates and Button Text) ( Optional )
- Show “X” Button ( Optional )
- Highlighted Button ( Optional ) After any button is clicked, the dialog will automatically close
Destroys SimpleUIDialog from scene, free-ing up memory. Can be reinstantated by calling any static methods
Additional Settings is on the Prefab at
- Accent Color (Highlight color)
- Animation Spd
- To change the scaling of the UI, Modify the Scale Factor on the Canvas Scaler on the Prefab
Easy way to show Toast with nice animations. Supports multiple toast at the same time
You do not need to any prefab on the scene, it will be auto loaded by the script itself and assigned to do not be destroyed.
- Duration ( Up Time ) ( Optional ) After the up time, toast will close automatically
Destroys SimpleUIDialog from scene, free-ing up memory. Can be reinstantated by calling any static methods
Prefab is found at
- To change the scaling of the UI, Modify the Scale Factor on the Canvas Scaler on the Prefab
Transition between scene with loading indicator
In your script call SceneManager.LoadScene()
- SceneName (string), Name of the Scene that you want to load
Remember to Add these Scenes to the build before using it.
- AsyncLoadingScene
- Target Scenes ( Scenes you want to load )
For the Demo, DemoScene-Start and DemoScene-End is the Start point and End point of the demo respectively, while AsyncScneLoader is the loading scene itself.
- Log to dedicated debug tools console that is accessible in runtime
- Commands that can be executed
- FPS Counter and Stats Monitor
- Save Logging to File
To log, call DebugTools.Log()
DebugTools is Auto Instantiated and Initialized at the start of any scene, no prefab required on the scene.
- Log (string) , string that you want to Log
- DebugLevel , level of debug, either NORMAL, WARNING, ERROR, COMMAND
Logging through DebugTools.Log()
will also mirror log to UnityEngine.Debug.Log()
Remember to Add these Scenes to the build before using it.
- AsyncLoadingScene
- Target Scenes ( Scenes you want to load )
For the Demo, DemoScene-Start and DemoScene-End is the Start point and End point of the demo respectively, while AsyncScneLoader is the loading scene itself.