Adds a simple serial terminal to vscode. Open by running
Serial Terminal: Open terminal
from the command palette.
Depends on serialport. This module must be built for a specific node version. To get this right find out what node/electron version
vscode is running by checking Help/About
and updating .npmrc accordingly.
Exposed api can be accesed using the following code:
let api = extensions.getExtension('serialterminal').exports;
This api exposes the SerialTerminal class which is an implementation of vscode.Pseudoterminal with the constructor
SerialTerminal(COMPort: string, baudRate: number, translateHex?:boolean, lineEnd?: string, prompt?: string)
- Terminal input that covers more than the entire screen won't be properly rendered.
- Clear terminal will clear all text and scroll buffer, but not cursor position.
- Cause found: VSCode uses Xterm.js' clear function. This removes all content and puts prompt line on top but doesn't send any obvious signals to the terminal. Workaround pending
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