Middleware for using Shibboleth with Django. Requires Django 1.3 or above for RemoteAuthMiddleware.
Either checkout and run
python setup.py install
or install directly from Github with pip:pip install git+https://github.com/Brown-University-Library/django-shibboleth-remoteuser.git
In settings.py :
Enable the RemoteUserBackend.
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend', )
Add the Django Shibboleth middleware. You must add the django.contrib.auth.middleware.ShibbolethRemoteUserMiddleware to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting after the django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware. For example:
* Map Shibboleth attributes to Django User models. A username is required.
If first_name, last_name, email are available as Shibboleth attributes they will be used to populate the Django User object.
The tuple of (True, "username") specifies that username is required.
If it is not found in the parsed Shibboleth headers, an exception will be raised.
To make a Shibboleth attribute specify it like this (False, "optional_attribute).
"Shibboleth-user": (True, "username"),,
"Shibboleth-givenName": (True, "first_name"),
"Shibboleth-sn": (True, "last_name"),
"Shibboleth-mail": (True, "email"),
* Login url - set this to a Shibboleth protected path.
LOGIN_URL = 'https://school.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login'
Apache configuration - make sure the shibboleth attributes are available to the app.
<Location /app> AuthType shibboleth Require shibboleth ShibUseHeaders On </Location>
Add shibboleth to installed apps.
INSTALLED_APPS += ( 'shibboleth', )
Add below to urls.py to enable the included sample view. This view just echos back the parsed user attributes, which can be helpful for testing.
urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^shib/', include('shibboleth.urls', namespace='shibboleth')), )
Template tags are included which will allow you to place {{ login_link }} or {{ logout_link }} in your templates for routing users to the login or logout page. To activate add the following to settings.py.
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS += ( 'shibboleth.context_processors.login_link', 'shibboleth.context_processors.logout_link' )