This repo has been moved to:
- Lecture notes
- Pluto notebook [html, pdf, source]
- We use arXiv:1209.5145 as the reference.
- Pluto notebook [html, pdf, source]
This part does not contain any lecture note. Please check the following book as a reference.
Heath M T. Scientific computing: an introductory survey, revised second edition[M]. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2018.
- Pluto notebook [html, pdf, source]
- Project: Compressed Sensing
- Project: Kernel Principle Component Analysis
- Pluto notebook [pdf, source]
- Live Coding: CUDA programming
- Project: Lattice Gas Cellular Automata
- How to open a Pluto notebook
- Clone this Github repo to your local host.
git clone
- Install Pluto in Julia with
using Pkg; Pkg.add("Pluto")
and open it in a Julia REPL with
julia> using Pluto;"path/to/notebook.jl")
where the "path/to/notebook.jl"
should be replaced by the path to the file under the notebooks
- Use Ctrl + Alt + P to toggle the presentation mode.
- Use Ctrl + → / ← to play the previous/next slide.