Date: 2023-10-04
Eleven new endpoints were added to this release. A massive thank you to @shufinskiy.
- BoxScoreAdvancedv3
- BoxScoreDefensivev2
- BoxScoreFourFactorsv3
- BoxScoreHustlev2
- BoxScoreMatchupsv3
- BoxScoreMiscv3
- BoxScorePlayerTrackV3
- BoxScoreScoringV3
- BoxScoreTraditionalv3
- BoxScoreUsagev3
- PlaybyPlayv3
NBA JSON schema
Until recently, the NBA JSON schema followed a tabular strucutre exposing headers
and resultSet
. The NBA is now using a nested JSON schema. In addition, the data labels are no longer uppercase (e.g., PCT_OREB
), are now camelcase and, in many cases, more descriptive (e.g., percentageReboundsOffensive
- All NBA player and team data has been updated to the date of this release.
- Corrected an invalid Slack within the text body to match the link present in the Slack shield.
- Updated NBA team data to include the Nuggets 2023 championship (#350)
Known Issues
Due to the change in the NBA schema, the following methods will currently return and empty dataframe {}
All other calls are expected to work as expected.
The following eleven endpoints have been deprecated by the NBA and subsequently removed from the library
- BoxScoreDefensive --> BoxScoreDefensivev2
- BoxScoreMatchups --> BoxScoreMatchupsv3
- LeagueHustleStatsPlayerLeaders --> unknown
- LeagueHustleStatsTeamLeaders --> unknown
- PlayerDashboardByOpponent --> unknown
- TeamDashboardByClutch --> unknown
- TeamDashboardByGameSplits --> unknown
- TeamDashboardByLastNGames --> unknown
- TeamDashboardByOpponent --> unknown
- TeamDashboardByTeamPerformance --> unknown
- TeamDashboardByYearOverYear --> unknown
- urllib3 from 1.26.15 to 1.26.17. (#373) - @dependabot
- certifi from 2022.12.7 to 2023.7.22 (#360) - @dependabot
Developer Tools
Updated dev container to dynamically set the python path for Poetry. (#369)