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New translations congregation.json (Slovenian)
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sws2apps-admin authored and rhahao committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent e51f835 commit 13d4bbf
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 80 deletions.
160 changes: 80 additions & 80 deletions src/locales/sl-SI/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"tr_deleteInvitationCodeTitle": "Izbriši kodo povabila",
"tr_deleteInvitationCodeDesc": "Če izbrišeš to kodo povabila, se uporabnik ne bo mogel prijaviti na novih napravah. Da bi se lahko uporabnik ponovno prijavil, bo treba ustvariti novo kodo povabila in mu jo dati.",
"tr_deleteUserProfile": "Izbriši profil uporabnika aplikacije Organized",
"tr_deleteUserProfileDesc": "<p>Are you sure you want to delete this user account from your congregation’s Organized users list? The next time the user opens the app, all their local data will be deleted and they will be redirected to the registration page.</p><p>Please keep in mind that deleting the user account will not remove their record from the Persons page.</p>",
"tr_deleteUserProfileDesc": "<p>Ali si prepričan, da želiš izbrisati ta uporabniški račun s seznama uporabnikov tvoje občine? Ko bo uporabnik naslednjič odprl aplikacijo Organized, bodo vsi njegovi lokalni podatki izbrisani in bo preusmerjen na stran za registracijo.</p><p>Prosimo, upoštevaj, da izbris uporabniškega računa ne bo odstranil osebne evidence s seznama Oseb.</p>",
"tr_additionalUserRights": "Dodatne pravice",
"tr_service": "Služba",
"tr_events": "Dogodki",
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"tr_useDisplayNameOthers": "Uporabi prikazna imena na drugih razporedih",
"tr_useDisplayNameOthersDesc": "Uporabno za razporede nalog ali razpored čiščenja z veliko vsebinami. Preizkusi, katera možnost deluje najbolje.",
"tr_recordOnlineAttendance": "Zabeleži število prisotnih na shodu prek spleta",
"tr_recordOnlineAttendanceDesc": "Add an ’Online’ input field to track both online and in-person attendance",
"tr_kingdomHallAddressDesc": "Provide the address to inform visiting speakers of the location",
"tr_recordOnlineAttendanceDesc": "Dodaj vnosno polje 'Prek spleta', da bi spremljal prisotnost prek spleta in v živo",
"tr_kingdomHallAddressDesc": "Vpiši naslov, da gostujoče govornike obvestiš o lokaciji",
"tr_meetingSettings": "Nastavitve za shode",
"tr_midweek": "Med tednom",
"tr_meetingDay": "Dan shoda",
"tr_autoAssignOpeningPrayer": "Auto-assign chairman for opening prayer",
"tr_autoAssignClosingPrayer": "Auto-assign chairman for closing prayer",
"tr_auxClassroom": "Auxiliary classroom",
"tr_assignAuxCounselor": "Assign main auxiliary classroom counselor",
"tr_assignAuxCounserlorDesc": "One brother will be responsible by default. Another brother can be manually assigned if needed.",
"tr_langGroups": "Language groups",
"tr_langGroupsDesc": "You can create multiple language groups in your congregation and collaborate together.",
"tr_langGroupEnable": "Language group in the congregation",
"tr_langGroupEnableDesc": "Enable creating language groups inside of your congregation",
"tr_congregationEncryptionTitle": "Congregation data encryption code",
"tr_congregationEncryptionDesc": "Keep this important code safe – it’s for encrypting your congregation data, so nobody without the code can view it. If lost, you’ll need to create your congregation again. <a href=''>Learn more</a> how we protect all your data.",
"tr_meetinMaterialsTitle": "Meeting materials, forms and schedules",
"tr_dateFormatSelect": "Date format",
"tr_circuitOverseer": "Circuit overseer",
"tr_autoAssignOpeningPrayer": "Za uvodno molitev samodejno določi predsedujočega",
"tr_autoAssignClosingPrayer": "Za zaključno molitev samodejno določi predsedujočega",
"tr_auxClassroom": "Pomožni razred",
"tr_assignAuxCounselor": "Določi glavnega svetovalca za pomožni razred",
"tr_assignAuxCounserlorDesc": "En brat bo odgovoren že privzeto. Drugega brata se lahko ročno dodeli po potrebi.",
"tr_langGroups": "Jezikovne skupine",
"tr_langGroupsDesc": "V vaši občini lahko ustvariš več jezikovnih skupin, da bodo med seboj sodelovale.",
"tr_langGroupEnable": "Jezikovna skupina v občini",
"tr_langGroupEnableDesc": "Omogoči ustvarjanje jezikovnih skupin znotraj vaše občine",
"tr_congregationEncryptionTitle": "Koda za šifriranje podatkov o občini",
"tr_congregationEncryptionDesc": "To pomembno kodo shrani na varno – namenjena je šifriranju podatkov vaše občine, tako da do njih ne more dostopati nihče, ki nima te kode. Če jo izgubite, bo treba občino ustvariti na novo. <a href=''>Tu lahko izveš več o tem</a>, kako so zaščiteni vsi vaši podatki.",
"tr_meetinMaterialsTitle": "Gradivo, obrazci in razporedi za shode",
"tr_dateFormatSelect": "Oblika datuma",
"tr_circuitOverseer": "Okrajni nadzornik",
"tr_circuitOverseerSettingDesc": "Ime nadzornika se uporablja za razporede. Teden naslednjega obiska bo prikazan na ustreznih straneh, tako da bodo oznanjevalci obveščeni.",
"tr_coNextVisitWeek": "Week of next visit",
"tr_addNextVisit": "Add next visit",
"tr_autoApprovePublicMinistry": "Auto-approve public ministry requests",
"tr_autoApprovePublicMinistryDesc": "Approve each request automatically. Please, use with caution",
"tr_autoApproveTerritoryRequests": "Auto-approve territory requests",
"tr_autoApproveTerritoryRequestsDesc": "Assign available territories immediately when requested by a publisher",
"tr_notifyOverdue": "Notify publishers about overdue",
"tr_sendOverdueNotificationDesc": "Send notification if their territory is in work for too long",
"tr_overduePeriod": "Overdue period",
"tr_enablePublicLinks": "Enable links to view specific pages",
"tr_enablePublicLinksDesc": "Choose the pages you’d like to share via link with users without Organized access.",
"tr_meetingSchedules": "Meeting schedules",
"tr_informationBoard": "Information board",
"tr_cleaningSchedules": "Cleaning schedules",
"tr_coVisitSchedules": "Circuit overseer visit schedules",
"tr_serviceMeetingSchedules": "Field service meeting schedules",
"tr_meetingDutiesSchedules": "Meeting duties schedules",
"tr_newLangGroupCreatedSuccess": "New language group successfully created",
"tr_newLangGroupCreatedSuccessDesc": "{{ LanguageGroupName }} is ready for setup and can be accessed from the Home page by administrators and group members",
"tr_addNewLangGroup": "Add new language group",
"tr_addNewLangGroupDesc": "Enter the group’s official name from, and select its language. If the language is unavailable in Organized, please contact our support to collaborate on adding it to the app.",
"tr_groupName": "Group name",
"tr_groupNameOptional": "Group name (optional)",
"tr_groupLanguage": "Group language",
"tr_addNewLangGroupMembersDesc": "Next, add all group members and assign at least one administrator to manage the group in Organized. This brother should already have an administrator role in the congregation’s user list.",
"tr_groupAdmins": "Group administrators",
"tr_groupMembers": "Group members",
"tr_createGroup": "Create group",
"tr_reorderGroups": "Reorder",
"tr_coNextVisitWeek": "Teden naslednjega obiska",
"tr_addNextVisit": "Dodaj naslednji obisk",
"tr_autoApprovePublicMinistry": "Samodejno odobri zahteve za oznanjevanje na javnih krajih",
"tr_autoApprovePublicMinistryDesc": "Vsako zahtevo odobri samodejno. To možnost uporabljaj premišljeno.",
"tr_autoApproveTerritoryRequests": "Samodejno odobri zahteve za področja",
"tr_autoApproveTerritoryRequestsDesc": "Razpoložljiva področja dodeli takoj, ko zanje zaprosi kak oznanjevalec",
"tr_notifyOverdue": "Oznanjevalce obvesti o pretečenem roku",
"tr_sendOverdueNotificationDesc": "Pošlji obvestilo, če se področje obdeluje predolgo",
"tr_overduePeriod": "Rok zapadlosti",
"tr_enablePublicLinks": "Omogoči povezave za ogled določenih strani",
"tr_enablePublicLinksDesc": "Izberi strani, ki jih želiš prek povezave deliti z uporabniki, ki nimajo dostopa do aplikacije Organized.",
"tr_meetingSchedules": "Razporedi shodov",
"tr_informationBoard": "Oglasna deska",
"tr_cleaningSchedules": "Razporedi za čiščenje",
"tr_coVisitSchedules": "Razporedi obiska okrajnega nadzornika",
"tr_serviceMeetingSchedules": "Razporedi shodov za terensko službo",
"tr_meetingDutiesSchedules": "Razporedi za naloge na shodih",
"tr_newLangGroupCreatedSuccess": "Nova jezikovna skupina uspešno ustvarjena",
"tr_newLangGroupCreatedSuccessDesc": "Skupina {{ LanguageGroupName }} je pripravljena za uporabo. Administratorji in člani skupine lahko dostopajo do nje na domači strani.",
"tr_addNewLangGroup": "Dodaj novo jezikovno skupino",
"tr_addNewLangGroupDesc": "Uradno ime skupine prepiši z in izberi njen jezik. Če jezik v aplikaciji Organized ni na voljo, kontaktiraj našo podporo, da ga bomo dodali v aplikacijo.",
"tr_groupName": "Ime skupine",
"tr_groupNameOptional": "Ime skupine (neobvezno)",
"tr_groupLanguage": "Jezik skupine",
"tr_addNewLangGroupMembersDesc": "Nato dodaj vse člane skupine in dodeli vsaj enega administratorja za upravljanje skupine v aplikaciji Organized. Ta brat mora že imeti vlogo administratorja v seznamu uporabnikov občine.",
"tr_groupAdmins": "Administratorji skupine",
"tr_groupMembers": "Člani skupine",
"tr_createGroup": "Ustvari skupino",
"tr_reorderGroups": "Preuredi",
"tr_makeOverseer": "Make group overseer",
"tr_makeAssistant": "Make assistant",
"tr_removeFromGroups": "Remove from the group",
"tr_reorderGroupsTitle": "Reorder groups",
"tr_remove": "Remove",
"tr_addPublishers": "Add publishers",
"tr_editGroup": "Edit the group",
"tr_number": "Number",
"tr_newServiceGroupCreatedSuccess": "New field service group created successfully",
"tr_deleteServiceGroupDesc": "If you delete this group, you’ll need to manually reassign its publishers. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"tr_deleteServiceGroupTitle": "Delete Group {{ GroupNumber }}",
"tr_createNewGroupTitle": "Create new group",
"tr_createNewGroupDesc": "The group number is defined by its order in the list. Optionally, give the group a name if your congregation uses one, for example, a location-based name. Select a group overseer and his assistant.",
"tr_createNewGroupLastStep": "Finally, add publishers to the group. You can edit all these details later if needed.",
"tr_groupOverseer": "Group overseer",
"tr_groupOverseerAssistant": "Overseer assistant",
"tr_create": "Create",
"tr_inactivePublishers": "Inactive publishers",
"tr_wholeYearSetting": "Whole year",
"tr_statistics": "Statistics",
"tr_ministerialServant": "Ministerial servant",
"tr_elder": "Elder",
"tr_fulltimeServants": "Full-time servants",
"tr_totalCount": "Total count",
"tr_sharedInMinistry": "Shared in ministry",
"tr_didntSharedInMinistry": "Didn’t share in the ministry",
"tr_otherPublishers": "Other publishers",
"tr_totalStats": "Total statistics",
"tr_exportS21": "Export S-21",
"tr_userAge": "Age: {{ userAge }}",
"tr_otherSheep": "Other sheep",
"tr_baptismDate": "Date of baptism",
"tr_hoursList": "Hours: {{ Hours }}",
"tr_total": "Total",
"tr_removeFromGroups": "Odstrani iz skupine",
"tr_reorderGroupsTitle": "Preuredi skupine",
"tr_remove": "Odstrani",
"tr_addPublishers": "Dodaj oznanjevalce",
"tr_editGroup": "Uredi skupino",
"tr_number": "Številka",
"tr_newServiceGroupCreatedSuccess": "Nova oznanjevalska skupina uspešno ustvarjena",
"tr_deleteServiceGroupDesc": "Če boš izbrisal to skupino, boš moral ponovno ročno dodeliti oznanjevalce. Ali si prepričan, da želiš nadaljevati?",
"tr_deleteServiceGroupTitle": "Izbriši skupino {{ GroupNumber }}",
"tr_createNewGroupTitle": "Ustvari novo skupino",
"tr_createNewGroupDesc": "Številka skupine je določena glede na njen vrstni red na seznamu. Skupini lahko tudi daš ime, če ga vaša občina uporablja, na primer ime, povezano z lokacijo. Izberi nadzornika skupine in njegovega pomočnika.",
"tr_createNewGroupLastStep": "Nato v skupino dodaj oznanjevalce. Vse te podrobnosti lahko pozneje še urediš, če bo to potrebno.",
"tr_groupOverseer": "Nadzornik skupine",
"tr_groupOverseerAssistant": "Pomočnik nadzornika",
"tr_create": "Ustvari",
"tr_inactivePublishers": "Nedejavni oznanjevalci",
"tr_wholeYearSetting": "Celo leto",
"tr_statistics": "Statistika",
"tr_ministerialServant": "Strežni služabnik",
"tr_elder": "Starešina",
"tr_fulltimeServants": "Polnočasni služabniki",
"tr_totalCount": "Skupno število",
"tr_sharedInMinistry": "Je sodeloval v oznanjevanju",
"tr_didntSharedInMinistry": "Ni sodeloval v oznanjevanju",
"tr_otherPublishers": "Drugi oznanjevalci",
"tr_totalStats": "Skupna statistika",
"tr_exportS21": "Izvozi S-21",
"tr_userAge": "Starost: {{ userAge }}",
"tr_otherSheep": "Druga ovca",
"tr_baptismDate": "Datum krsta",
"tr_hoursList": "Ure: {{ Hours }}",
"tr_total": "Skupaj",
"tr_disqualify": "Disqualify",
"tr_moved": "Moved",
"tr_moved": "Preseljen",
"tr_qualifyAgain": "Qualify again",
"tr_privileges": "Privileges",
"tr_enrollments": "Enrollments",
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"tr_importExport": "Import/export",
"tr_count": "Count",
"tr_congregationNumberFull": "Congregation number",
"tr_attendance": "Attendance",
"tr_attendance": "Prisotnost",
"tr_masterKeyChange": "Change the congregation master key",
"tr_masterKeyChangeDesc": "We advise changing the code only if unauthorized access to it is suspected. After creating a new code, securely note and share it only with the appointed brothers who need it.",
"tr_masterKeyCurrent": "Current master key",
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