✨ Download CoRE MOF Database in here
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This repository includes tools developed to collect, curate, and classify Computation-Ready, Experimental MOF database.
Developed by: Guobin Zhao
Web Application (alpha version) for Database and Tutorial.
👷 A new web application will be coming soon!
- 0-database: This folder includes script to check publication dates and publisher infomration from a DOI input.
- 1-clean:
- 2-NCRCheck:
- check MOFs by Chen and Manz1,2
- mofchecker
- 3-MOFFeatures:
- pore properties by Zeo++1,2, open metal site1
- topology by CrystalNets1
- revised autocorrelation functions1,2
- others (mass, space group)
- 4-MLFeatures:
- predict partial atmoic charges by PACMAN1
- heat capacity1
- water stability1
- thermal and activation1
- 5-raspaTools: generate / submit input files, check jobs and get output files for
- 6-others:
- match structures
- DDEC files to CIF
If you encounter any issues related to the CoRE MOF Database or the scripts mentioned above, please create an Issues and submit it. We will address it as soon as possible.