###Bower The easiest way to install the SessionManagement module is by including the bower package to your solution
bower install symanto-angular-sessionmanagement --save
Afterwards you just need to add the module and the required angular-local-storage module to your HTML file
<script src="bower_components/angular-local-storage/dist/angular-local-storage.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/symanto-angular-sessionmanagement/SessionManagement.js"></script>
You need to configure the SessionManagement module to let it fit to your needs. Beside that it beautifully integrates with other Symanto Angular modules like the LoadingIndicatorService.
The Session Management module uses cookies to save the access- and refresh tokens. These cookies are saved inside the browser's local storage. For this, we use the 3rd party angular-local-storage module. If you use bower, it comes automatically with the package and just have to be included. Otherwise you need to download and add it by yourself.
To add this module load them into your project and inject them into your root module. Here you can configure the SessionManagement by setting the parameters inside the run method.
angular.module("Application.Root", [
]).run(function(sessionManagementOptions, LoadingIndicatorService) {
// ----------------------
// Define the login API endpoint
sessionManagementOptions.loginEndpoint: "/api/account/login",
// Define the client id of your application that is needed for the OAuth2.0 Authentication
sessionManagementOptions.clientId: "oAuthIdTest";
// ----------------------
// Add the Symanto Loading Indicator Service to the Session Management
sessionManagementOptions.loadingIndicatorService = LoadingIndicatorService;
// Add a prefix to the the access and refresh token cookies
sessionManagementOptions.tokenPrefix: "my-project_";
// Set the name of the login state to that the module should navigate after the logout
sessionManagementOptionsloginStateName: "login"
The only thing you need to do is configuring it as described above. Afterwards it automatically hooks up every HTTP request and checks whether to include a token in it.