Docker file for trusted builds of ActiveMQ on
Run the latest container with:
docker pull synapticiel/activemq:5.16.0
docker run -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 synapticiel/activemq:5.16.0
Docker image with ActiveMQ on CentOS Linux.
- /opt/apache-activemq/conf - Directory holding ActiveMQ configuration files.
- /opt/apache-activemq/data - Data and Logs directory. Will contain KahaDB data and audit log files
- 8161 - Web admin application and Jetty port (Chnage jetty.xml under config/ to bind IP if required).
- 61616 - TCP communication port (JMS/Openwire).
- 5672 - AMQP port.
- 61613 - Stomp port.
- 1883 - MQTT port.
- 61614 - WS port.# active-mq
By default logs, data and configuration is stored inside the container and will be lost after the container has been shut down and removed. To persist these files you can mount these directories to directories on your host system:
docker run --network="host" \
-v /opt/synapticiel/active-mq/data:/opt/apache-activemq/data \
-v /opt/synapticiel/active-mq/conf:/opt/apache-activemq/conf \
Docker Compose
version: '3.3'
image: synapticiel/activemq:5.16.0
container_name: activemq-5.16.0
# mqtt
- "1883:1883"
# amqp
- "5672:5672"
# ui
- "8161:8161"
# stomp
- "61613:61613"
# ws
- "61614:61614"
# jms/openwire
- "61616:61616"
volumes: ["/opt/synapticiel/active-mq/data:/opt/apache-activemq/data", "/opt/synapticiel/active-mq/conf:/opt/apache-activemq/conf"]
network_mode: "host"
driver: local