developed under cordova 2.6 and tested with Android Api level 17
Cordova plugin to provide callback when Telephony state changes
Possible states are IDLE, OFFHOOK and RINGING
1 - Import the plugin right after your cordova.js file:
<script src="plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener.js"></script>
Also register in res/xml/config.xml:
<plugin name="PhoneStateChangeListener" value="com.szanata.cordova.plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener"/>
And import the .java to your project
2 - Setup the callback to handle when state changes:
plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener.start(function (state, number){
// do stuff with the state
// do stuff with the number (when state === RINGING);
3 - Possible values to 'state' variable are:
plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener.IDLE // when no call is being made
plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener.RINGING // when the phone is ringing
plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener.OFFHOOK // when the phone is during a call conversation
plugins.PhoneStateChangeListener.NONE // when something goes wrong
4 - To stop listening to this:
- Added second parameter to retrieve incoming call number (when state is RINGING)
- Fixed indentation
- Added some code optimizations and hardiness
- Added basic support to listen when Telephony state changes
- Added feature to remove this listener
- Full compatibility with cordova 2.6