Welcome to XS-Leaks Lab (XSLL) – a hands-on project exploring Cross-site Leaks (XS-Leaks). This project aims to introduce you to the topic while providing an interactive experience with selected XS-Leaks scenarios. For a deeper dive into the project, continue reading this README, and don't forget to explore the report available in this repository.
XSLL comprises two Docker containers:
- Attacker: This container is designed to simulate an attacker attempting to exploit vulnerabilities and leak information from the victim.
- Victim: The victim container represents the entity under attack, serving as a practical environment to understand and mitigate XS-Leak risks.
To get started, follow these steps:
Download or Clone Repository
Configure Hosts File: Modify your system's hosts file (
) to include the following entries: attacker.local victim.local
Alternatively, adjust the scripts to use localhost
For implementation, we utilize the official NGINX Docker image to set up the web servers within Docker containers. To manage these containers, use the provided scripts:
- Start Docker Containers:
- Stop Docker Containers:
After starting the Docker containers, you can access the web servers from your browser:
Explore these links to interact with the simulated environments and delve deeper into XS-Leak vulnerabilities.
All vulnerabilities in this lab were tested using the following browser version:
- Brave
- Version 1.66.118 Chromium: 125.0.6422.147 (Official Build) (arm64)