Program for laboratory no. 2 from Linux in Systems Embeded lecture.
Transmiter and revicer morse code with usage gpiod library.
Program works on RapsberryPi4 with adapter.
Program works also on Virtual Machine with virtual adapter. In this case it is needed to change gpiod pins.
- Type text to transmit
- Transmit code via led on 24 pin.
- Revice code from user via button on 10 pin.
Program provide handling bouncing inside buttons. Bouncing time is set for 40ms.
Program revice and transimit in MORSE-UNIT which is 1sec. After 10sec waiting for change button state program close.
- When button is pressed then occured falling edge.
- When button is released then occured rising edge.
- When bouncing occures then is set bouncin timeout which is set again after changing edge in bouncing time.
Bouncing time need to press button for more then 40ms. My experimets shows that quick clicking take only 25-50ms. If you are really fast in transmitting morse code. Be careful!