STM32F1(Blue Pill)を使用し,最大4台のHDDを演奏可能.
A program that plays MIDI on the HDD. Up to 4 HDDs can be played using STM32F1 (Blue Pill).
- パート固定モードとパート自動割り振りモード
- 音量調節機能
- HDDの個別有効化/無効化選択機能
- Equipped with 2 modes. One is part fixing mode and the other is the part flexible mode.
- Volume control.
- Can be select individual enable / disable of HDD.
- STM32F1 (Blue Pill)
- SW4STM32
- CubeMX 5.3.0
- Implement non-blocking EEPROM Read/Write
- Implement change order htim
- Play chords only single HDD