NWB format convert tool. This tool could generate a NWB format file from an excel template file and raw image files.
- MATLAB R2019a or later
- Run the MATLAB software, and setup the MatNWB toolbox.
!git clone https://github.com/NeurodataWithoutBorders/matnwb.git
cd matnwb
- Download nwbconv zip file.
- Extract zip file under your working directory <work_path>.
- "Add Path" extracted directories (i.e. <work_path>/nwbconv-main).
- Move to <work_path>/nwbconv-main directory and fill out excel template file with your imaging data.
>> nwbconv
no input files. please specify nwb registration xlsx files.
usage: nwbconv [options] filename.xlsx ...
--outpath output files path (default:".")
--session num output session range (i.e. "1","1:8")
-v, --version show version number
-h, --help show command line help
>> nwbconv ori099_ch.xlsx
success to load data : ori099_ch.mat:stack
success to load data : logfile_M99_ori099.mat:TS.stim_log
success to load data : logfile_M99_ori099.mat:TS.start_time
success to load data : logfile_M99_ori099.mat:TS.stop_time
success to load data : logfile_M99_ori099.mat:TS.ori_deg
export NWB file : ./ori099_ch.nwb
>> nwbconv --session 1:8 M99.xlsx
success to load data : M99/10099/Tiff/raw-256/M99-1.tif
success to load data : M99/10099/Task-Log/task.mat:task_data(1).Cue,Rew,X,Y,tY,tX,tYs,tXs,pupil_X,pupil_Y,eyelid_X,eyelid_Y,lick,ccdA,ccdB
success to load data : M99/10099/Task-Log/task.mat:task_data(1).Trial_type
converting cue time series with time rate : 30
export NWB file : ./M99_1.nwb
success to load data : M99/10099/Tiff/raw-256/M99-8.tif
success to load data : M99/10099/Task-Log/task.mat:task_data(8).Cue,Rew,X,Y,tY,tX,tYs,tXs,pupil_X,pupil_Y,eyelid_X,eyelid_Y,lick,ccdA,ccdB
success to load data : M99/10099/Task-Log/task.mat:task_data(8).Trial_type
converting cue time series with time rate : 30
export NWB file : ./M99_8.nwb