Performs the following tasks:
- Gets the source code from the SCM repository
- Builds the application
- Runs the application by submitting it to the Spark cluster
At present, only Git is supported for SCM and only Sbt is supported for build. Both git
and sbt
commands are present in the PATH within the image.
Run example:
docker run \
-ti \
--rm \
-p 5000-5010:5000-5010 \
-e SCM_URL="" \
-e SPARK_MASTER="spark://" \
-e MAIN_CLASS="Main" \
Image at DockerHub: docker-spark-submit.
-p 5000-5010:5000-5010
You have to publish this range of network ports. Spark driver program and Spark executors use these ports for communication.
-e SPARK_DRIVER_HOST="host.machine.address"
You have to specify here the network address of the host machine where the container will be running. Spark cluster nodes should be able to resolve this address. This is necessary for communication between executors and the driver program. For detailed technical information see SPARK-4563.
Command line arguments are passed via environment variables for docker
command: -e VAR="value"
. Here is the full list:
Name | Mandatory? | Meaning | Default value |
SCM_URL | Yes | URL to get source code from. | N/A |
SCM_BRANCH | No | SCM branch to checkout. | master |
PROJECT_SUBDIR | No | A relative directory to the root of the SCM working copy. If specified, then the build will be executed in this directory, rather than in the root directory. |
N/A |
BUILD_COMMAND | No | Command to build the application. | sbt 'set test in assembly := {}' clean assembly Means: build fat-jar using sbt-assembly plugin skipping the tests. |
SPARK_MASTER | No | Spark master URL. | local[*] |
SPARK_CONF | No | Arbitrary Spark configuration settings, like:--conf spark.executor.memory=2g --conf spark.driver.cores=2 |
Empty |
SPARK_DRIVER_HOST | Yes | Value of the configuration parameter.Must be set to the network address of the machine hosting the container. Must be accessible from Spark nodes. |
N/A |
JAR_FILE | No | Path to the application jar file. Relative to the build directory. If not specified, the jar file will be automatically found under target/ subdirectory of the build directory. |
N/A |
MAIN_CLASS | Yes | Main class of the application to run. | N/A |
APP_ARGS | No | Application arguments. | Empty |
http_proxy, https_proxy | No | Specify when running behind a proxy. | Empty, no proxy |
If your Spark program requires some data for processing, you can add the data to the container by specifying a volume:
docker run \
-ti \
--rm \
-v /data:/data \
-p 5000-5010:5000-5010 \
-e SCM_URL="" \
-e SPARK_MASTER="spark://" \
-e MAIN_CLASS="Main" \
Image tags correspond to Spark versions. Choose the tag based on the version of your Spark cluster. The following tags are available:
- spark-2.2.1
- spark-2.1.2
Build the image:
docker build \
-t tashoyan/docker-spark-submit:spark-2.2.1 \
-f Dockerfile.spark-2.2.1 \
When building on a machine behind proxy, specify http_proxy
environment variable:
docker build \
--build-arg http_proxy= \
-t tashoyan/docker-spark-submit:spark-2.2.1 \
-f Dockerfile.spark-2.2.1 \
Apache 2.0 license.