This repository stores the project files for the Nanite Bioremediation software engineering group project at Oregon State University.
Hopefully, we're finding a common ground without too much of a learning curve for anyone. Here's what's involved so far:
- Node
- Express
- Bootstrap
- jQuery (because of bootstrap)
NOTE: There's a task list here that we can use to keep track of our progress, if you all would like.
Make sure you have npm or yarn installed. Then, after cloning the repo, run (from within the cloned directory):
cd app
npm install
cd app
yarn install
If you'd like, you can make use of live-reloading. In order to use this, you just need to make sure to have gulp-cli installed globally.
npm i -g gulp-cli
You can then just use the following command to run the application with live-reloading:
cd app
At that point, the app can be accessed at http://localhost:7000
If you don't want to install gulp-cli, you can use one of the following commands to run the appllication without live-reloading:
npm start
yarn start
Using this method, the app is at http://localhost:5000
If you'd like to serve the app using forever, then you can run:
npm run forever
...and the app will start on http://localhost:5000
The app uses Jest for testing. The tests are located in app/test. First, make sure you have jest installed globally:
npm i -g jest
Then, anytime you want to run the tests:
npm run test